Den fredag 20 mars 2015 kl. 05:36:15 UTC+1 skrev Kiran Pamnany:
> Hey Stefan,
>> Depending on how well Julia-generated code performs, some important 
>>> concurrent data structures might be better implemented in C and wrapped.
>> I would argue that until we can implement efficient concurrent data 
>> structures in pure Julia, the work isn't complete. It's ok to use C code as 
>> an interim solution while we're developing this, but in the longer term, we 
>> should not be forced to rely on C to write libraries.
> Think of the implementations in C as though we're dropping into inline 
> assembly for maximizing performance. In actual fact, using alignment 
> directives, padding, SIMD intrinsics, or specialized load/store 
> instructions _is_ pretty much assembly. I don't see value in adding this 
> sort of architecture-specific explicit control to Julia--it negates the 
> high-level, high-productivity aspect if you have to throw in pragmas like 
> assume_aligned in your code for performance reasons. And if you go down 
> that road, then you're competing with C.
> On the contrary I see an enormous value in being able to do what's 
effectively inline assembly within an environment with the metaprogramming 
capabilities of Julia and seamless integration with the parts of the code 
that are not quite as performance critical.

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