Actually, didn't the original implementation have a couple of bugs?

- A[1:n, k] makes a copy, so I'm not sure you were actually swapping elements 
in the original A
- If A[i,j] < 0, you're storing a negative value in themax, making it easy for 
the next nonnegative value to beat it. You presumably want to store 

See attached (which is also faster, on 0.4).


On Wednesday, March 25, 2015 11:37:07 AM you wrote:
> If you want it to look nice and are running on 0.4, just switching to
> slice(A, 1:n, k) ↔ slice(A, 1:n, λ)
> should also get you a performance boost (especially for large matrices).
> Obviously you could do even better by devectorizing, but it wouldn't be as
> pretty.
> Off-topic, but your use of unicode for this is very elegant, and eye-opening
> for me.
> Best,
> --Tim
> On Wednesday, March 25, 2015 09:24:09 AM Matt Bauman wrote:
> > The swap could be done without temporaries, but I assume you're also
> > trying
> > to match the look of the pseudocode?
> > 
> > On Wednesday, March 25, 2015 at 11:22:41 AM UTC-4, Jiahao Chen wrote:
> > > Here is some code I wrote for completely pivoted LU factorizations.
> > > Can you make it even faster?
> > > 
> > > Anyone who can demonstrate verifiable speedups (or find bugs relative
> > > to the textbook description) while sticking to pure Julia code wins an
> > > acknowledgment in an upcoming paper I'm writing about Julia, and a
> > > small token of my appreciation with no cash value. :)
> > > 
> > > Reference: G. H. Golub and C. F. Van Loan, Matrix Computations 4/e,
> > > Algorithm 3.4.3, p. 132.
> > > 
> > > Thanks,
> > > 
> > > Jiahao Chen
> > > Staff Research Scientist
> > > MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
x ↔ y = for i=1:length(x) #Define swap function
  x[i], y[i] = y[i], x[i]

function idxmaxabs(A, r)
    r1 = r[1]
    μ, λ = r1, r1
    themax = abs(A[r1, r1])
    @inbounds for j in r, i in r
        a = abs(A[i,j])
        if a > themax
            μ, λ, themax = i, j, A[i, j]
    return μ, λ

function lucompletepiv!(A)
  n=size(A, 1)
  rowpiv=zeros(Int, n-1)
  colpiv=zeros(Int, n-1)
  for k=1:n-1
    μ, λ = idxmaxabs(A, k:n)
    rowpiv[k] = μ
    slice(A, k, 1:n) ↔ slice(A, μ, 1:n)
    colpiv[k] = λ
    slice(A, 1:n, k) ↔ slice(A, 1:n, λ)
    if A[k,k] ≠ 0
      ρ = k+1:n
      scale!(1/A[k,k], sub(A, ρ, k))
      @inbounds for j in ρ
          Akj = A[k, j]
          @simd for i in ρ
              A[i, j] -= A[i, k] * Akj
  return (A, rowpiv, colpiv)

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