When you define your version of nrow, are you extending the DataFrames
version as in the following?

DataFrames.nrow(df::MyDataFrame) = ...

If not, you are defining your own nrow that is different than the one in

On Fri, Mar 27, 2015 at 12:45 PM, <kevin.dale.sm...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm trying to extend DataFrames so that I can include metadata on the
> dataframe and the columns.  Unfortunately, from the way I understand how
> Julia works, this is not an easy task. It seams as though I pretty much
> have to copy the existing dataframes.jl file and replace all of the
> "DataFrame" references with "MyDataFrame", then add in the metadata parts
> where needed (or use composition and proxy all of the DataFrame
> interfaces).  This method seems to work for some things (it works with
> Gadfly), however, I can't seem to get ncol and nrow to work properly.  When
> I try to do "size(mydf)", I get the following error:
>     `nrow` has no method matching nrow(::MyDataFrame)
> However, if I do "methods(nrow)", it displays this:
>    nrow(df::MyDataFrame)
> Which is exactly what the previous message said didn't exist.  I'm a
> little puzzled as to why DataFrames' original nrow doesn't show up in that
> output as well since it is exported.  When I do a "using DataFrames" in
> this same session.  I get the following warning.
>    Warning: using DataFrames.nrow in module Main conflicts with an
> existing identifier.
> I think it's safe to say that I'm pretty confused at this point.  I'd
> appreciate it if someone could clarify how extending existing structures is
> supposed to work.

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