Finally, you can always computes derivatives with DualNumbers.jl. (The 
computed derivatives have full precision; this is completely different from 
finite differencing.) But it needs to be a pure-Julia implementation.


On Saturday, April 04, 2015 09:27:19 PM Tamas Papp wrote:
> Hi,
> I am looking for a function (library) that allows evaluation of a B-spline
> basis (specified by the knots and the order), at given points, _and_
> also allows the evaluation of derivatives for the same family. R's
> splineDesign in the splines package has this, but looking at the splines
> libraries in Julia I could not find one that does B-splines and
> derivatives. Using internals from some library would be fine, too.
> (Knowing that there is no such thing at the moment would also be useful,
> I might implement it, but would prefer to avoid that because B-spline
> special cases are tricky).
> Best,
> Tamas

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