Make Result an immutable:

immutable Result

that way the numbers are stored in the S array directly and all its
memory is preallocated.  Otherwise S just holds pointers to the Results
objects.  gc time is only 2% for me then (but I didn't run it for more
than 10min).

However, why the gc time increases in the original code, I don't know.
I don't think it should.

On Tue, 2015-04-07 at 16:26, Adam Labadorf <> wrote:
> I moved compute! out of the main function and pass the ratios as you 
> suggested and the performance is a bit better but I still notice the gc 
> time increasing albeit more slowly, new code below. The csv I'm using is 
> available at 
> using HypothesisTests, ArrayViews
> type Result
>   pvalue::Float64
>   i::Int64
>   j::Int64
> end
> function readtable(fn)
>   fp = readcsv(fn)
>   columns = fp[1,2:end]
>   rows = fp[2:end,1]
>   data = float(fp[2:end,2:end])
>   return (columns,rows,data)
> end
> @time (cols, genes, counts) = 
> readtable("../all_mRNA_nonzero_norm_counts_trim.csv")
> h_cols = find([c[1] == 'H' for c in cols])
> c_cols = find([c[1] == 'C' for c in cols])
> # restrict to HD and control
> # add a pseudocount to avoid division by zero errors
> counts = counts[:,[h_cols;c_cols]] + 0.01
> h_cols = 1:length(h_cols)
> c_cols = (length(h_cols)+1):size(counts,2)
> # arrays are stored in column order, transpose counts to make
> # accessing more efficient
> counts = transpose(counts)
> function 
> compute!(S::Array{Result,1},ratios::Array{Float64,1},tot_i::Int64,i::Int64,j::Int64,h_cols::UnitRange{Int64},c_cols::UnitRange{Int64},M::Int64)
>   t = UnequalVarianceTTest(view(ratios,h_cols),view(ratios,c_cols))
>   S[tot_i] = Result(pvalue(t),i,j)
> end
> function main(counts,genes,h_cols,c_cols)
>   N = size(genes,1)
>   M = size(counts,1)
>   ratios = Array(Float64,M)
>   tot_i = 0
>   tot = (N^2-N)/2
>   S = Array(Result,round(Int,tot))
>   for i=1:N-1
>     @time for j=(i+1):N
>       tot_i += 1
>       # use a sigmoid function to compress log ratios to [-10,10]
>       b = 10
>       for k=1:M
>         ratios[k] = b*(2/(1+exp(-log2(counts[k,i]/counts[k,j])/(b/2)))-1)
>       end
>       compute!(S,ratios,tot_i,i,j,h_cols,c_cols,M)
>     end
>     @show (tot_i,tot,tot_i/tot)
>   end
> end
> S = main(counts,genes,h_cols,c_cols)
> On Tuesday, April 7, 2015 at 8:47:06 AM UTC-4, Mauro wrote:
>> On Tue, 2015-04-07 at 06:14, Adam Labadorf < 
>> <javascript:>> wrote: 
>> > Thanks for the replies. I took your suggestions (and reread the scope 
>> > section of the docs) and am still experiencing the gc creep. Below is 
>> the 
>> > complete program, with the notable changes that I wrapped the main 
>> > computation in a function and eliminated all references to global 
>> variables 
>> > inside. I'm also using the most recent nightly build of 0.4. Overall 
>> this 
>> > version of the code is much faster, but there is still significant 
>> slowdown 
>> > as the computation progresses. Is this expected? Do you see anything I'm 
>> > doing wrong? 
>> > 
>> > # julia v0.4.0-dev+4159 
>> > using HypothesisTests, ArrayViews 
>> > 
>> > type Result 
>> >   pvalue::Float64 
>> >   i::Int64 
>> >   j::Int64 
>> > end 
>> > 
>> > function readtable(fn) 
>> >   fp = readcsv(fn) 
>> >   columns = fp[1,2:end] 
>> >   rows = fp[:,2:end] 
>> >   data = float(fp[2:end,2:end]) 
>> >   return (columns,rows,data) 
>> > end 
>> > @time (cols, genes, counts) = 
>> > readtable("../all_mRNA_nonzero_norm_counts_trim.csv") 
>> > 
>> > h_cols = find([c[1] == 'H' for c in cols]) 
>> > c_cols = find([c[1] == 'C' for c in cols]) 
>> > 
>> > # filter out genes with zeros since it messes with the ratios 
>> > nonzero = mapslices(x -> !any(x.==0),counts,2) 
>> > counts = counts[find(nonzero),[h_cols;c_cols]] 
>> > 
>> > # slices seem to be faster 
>> > h_cols = 1:length(h_cols) 
>> > c_cols = (length(h_cols)+1):size(counts,2) 
>> > 
>> > # arrays are stored in column order, transpose counts to make 
>> > # accessing more efficient 
>> > counts = transpose(counts) 
>> > 
>> > genes = genes[find(nonzero)] 
>> > 
>> > function main(counts,genes,h_cols,c_cols) 
>> > 
>> >   N = size(genes,1) 
>> >   M = size(counts,1) 
>> > 
>> >   ratios = Array(Float64,M) 
>> >   function 
>> > 
>> compute!(S::Array{Result,1},counts::Array{Float64,2},tot_i::Int64,i::Int64,j::Int64,h_cols::UnitRange{Int64},c_cols::UnitRange{Int64},M::Int64)
>> >       for k=1:M 
>> >         ratios[k] = counts[k,i]/counts[k,j] 
>> >       end 
>> >       t = UnequalVarianceTTest(view(ratios,h_cols),view(ratios,c_cols)) 
>> >       S[tot_i] = Result(pvalue(t),i,j) 
>> >   end 
>> Sadly, nested function are often bad as type-inference does not work 
>> properly, as Tim suggested. Consider this example: 
>> function a(n) 
>>     aa(x,y) = x*y 
>>     out = 0 
>>     for i=1:n 
>>         out += aa(i,i) 
>>     end 
>>     out 
>> end 
>> bb(x,y) = x*y 
>> function b(n) 
>>     out = 0 
>>     for i=1:n 
>>         out += bb(i,i) 
>>     end 
>>     out 
>> end 
>> n = 10^7 
>> @time a(n) 
>> @time a(n)  # elapsed time: 0.680312065 seconds (1220 MB allocated, 2.71% 
>> gc time in 56 pauses with 0 full sweep) 
>> b(n) 
>> @time b(n)  # elapsed time: 3.086e-6 seconds (192 bytes allocated) 
>> @code_warntype a(n) # see how the return type of the function is not 
>> inferred! 
>> @code_warntype b(n) 
>> Move compute! out of main and it should be better. 
>> >   tot_i = 0 
>> >   tot = (N^2-N)/2 
>> > 
>> >   S = Array(Result,round(Int,tot)) 
>> > 
>> >   for i=1:N-1 
>> >     @time for j=(i+1):N 
>> >       tot_i += 1 
>> >       compute!(S,counts,tot_i,i,j,h_cols,c_cols,M) 
>> >     end 
>> >   end 
>> > 
>> > end 
>> > 
>> > S = main(counts,genes,h_cols,c_cols) 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > And the output: 
>> > 
>> > elapsed time: 0.427719149 seconds (23 MB allocated, 39.90% gc time in 2 
>> > pauses with 0 full sweep) 
>> > elapsed time: 0.031006382 seconds (14 MB allocated) 
>> > elapsed time: 0.131579099 seconds (14 MB allocated, 73.64% gc time in 1 
>> > pauses with 1 full sweep) 
>> > elapsed time: 0.140120717 seconds (14 MB allocated, 73.58% gc time in 1 
>> > pauses with 0 full sweep) 
>> > elapsed time: 0.030248237 seconds (14 MB allocated) 
>> > ... 
>> > elapsed time: 0.507894781 seconds (5 MB allocated, 97.65% gc time in 1 
>> > pauses with 0 full sweep) 
>> > elapsed time: 0.011821657 seconds (5 MB allocated) 
>> > elapsed time: 0.011610651 seconds (5 MB allocated) 
>> > elapsed time: 0.011816277 seconds (5 MB allocated) 
>> > elapsed time: 0.50779098 seconds (5 MB allocated, 97.65% gc time in 1 
>> > pauses with 0 full sweep) 
>> > elapsed time: 0.011997168 seconds (5 MB allocated) 
>> > elapsed time: 0.011721667 seconds (5 MB allocated) 
>> > elapsed time: 0.011561071 seconds (5 MB allocated) 
>> This looks ok-ish to me.  The program runs, allocates memory and every 
>> so often the memory is garbage collected.  What is not ok that the gc 
>> runs after only 20MB is allocated and that it takes so long.  But at 
>> that point all the memory is used up, right?  Maybe that is why it takes 
>> so long then? 
>> > On Saturday, April 4, 2015 at 12:38:46 PM UTC-4, Patrick O'Leary wrote: 
>> >> 
>> >> Silly me, ignoring all the commented out lines assuming they were 
>> >> comments...yes, this is almost certainly it. 
>> >> 
>> >> On Saturday, April 4, 2015 at 3:24:50 AM UTC-5, Tim Holy wrote: 
>> >>> 
>> >>> Devectorization should never slow anything down. If it does, then you 
>> >>> have 
>> >>> some other problem. Here, M is a global variable, and that's probably 
>> >>> what's 
>> >>> killing you. Performance tip #1: 
>> >>> 
>> >>> 
>> >>> --Tim 
>> >>> 
>> >>> On Friday, April 03, 2015 09:43:51 AM Adam Labadorf wrote: 
>> >>> > Hi, 
>> >>> > 
>> >>> > I am struggling with an issue related to garbage collection taking 
>> up 
>> >>> the 
>> >>> > vast majority (>99%) of compute time on a simple nested for loop. 
>> Code 
>> >>> > excerpt below: 
>> >>> > 
>> >>> > # julia version 0.3.7 
>> >>> > # counts is an MxN matrix of Float64 
>> >>> > # N=15000 
>> >>> > # M=108 
>> >>> > # h_cols and c_cols are indices \in {1:M} 
>> >>> > using HypothesisTests, ArrayViews 
>> >>> > ratios = Array(Float64,M) 
>> >>> > function compute!(S,tot_i::Int64,i::Int64,j::Int64) 
>> >>> >     ratios = view(counts,:,i)./view(counts,:,j) 
>> >>> >     #for k=1:M 
>> >>> >     #  ratios[k] = counts[k,i]/counts[k,j] 
>> >>> >     #end 
>> >>> >     #ratios = counts[:,i]./counts[:,j] 
>> >>> >     t = UnequalVarianceTTest(ratios[h_cols],ratios[c_cols]) 
>> >>> >     S[tot_i] = (pvalue(t),i,j) 
>> >>> > end 
>> >>> > 
>> >>> > for i=1:N-1 
>> >>> >   @time for j=(i+1):N 
>> >>> >     tot_i += 1 
>> >>> >     compute!(S,tot_i,i,j) 
>> >>> >   end 
>> >>> > end 
>> >>> > 
>> >>> > The loop begins fast, output from time: 
>> >>> > 
>> >>> > elapsed time: 1.023850054 seconds (62027220 bytes allocated) 
>> >>> > elapsed time: 0.170916977 seconds (45785624 bytes allocated) 
>> >>> > elapsed time: 0.171598156 seconds (45782760 bytes allocated) 
>> >>> > elapsed time: 0.173866309 seconds (45779896 bytes allocated) 
>> >>> > elapsed time: 0.170267172 seconds (45777032 bytes allocated) 
>> >>> > elapsed time: 0.171754713 seconds (45774168 bytes allocated) 
>> >>> > elapsed time: 0.170110142 seconds (45771304 bytes allocated) 
>> >>> > elapsed time: 0.175199053 seconds (45768440 bytes allocated) 
>> >>> > elapsed time: 0.179893161 seconds (45765576 bytes allocated) 
>> >>> > elapsed time: 0.212172824 seconds (45762712 bytes allocated) 
>> >>> > elapsed time: 0.252750549 seconds (45759848 bytes allocated) 
>> >>> > elapsed time: 0.254874855 seconds (45756984 bytes allocated) 
>> >>> > elapsed time: 0.231003319 seconds (45754120 bytes allocated) 
>> >>> > elapsed time: 0.235060195 seconds (45751256 bytes allocated) 
>> >>> > elapsed time: 0.235379355 seconds (45748392 bytes allocated) 
>> >>> > elapsed time: 0.927622743 seconds (45746168 bytes allocated, 77.65% 
>> gc 
>> >>> time) 
>> >>> > elapsed time: 0.9132931 seconds (45742664 bytes allocated, 78.35% gc 
>> >>> time) 
>> >>> > 
>> >>> > But as soon as it starts doing gc the % time spent in increases 
>> almost 
>> >>> > indefinitely, output from time much later: 
>> >>> > 
>> >>> > elapsed time: 0.174122929 seconds (36239160 bytes allocated) 
>> >>> > elapsed time: 18.535572658 seconds (36236168 bytes allocated, 99.22% 
>> gc 
>> >>> > time) 
>> >>> > elapsed time: 19.189478819 seconds (36233176 bytes allocated, 99.26% 
>> gc 
>> >>> > time) 
>> >>> > elapsed time: 21.812889439 seconds (36230184 bytes allocated, 99.35% 
>> gc 
>> >>> > time) 
>> >>> > elapsed time: 22.182467723 seconds (36227192 bytes allocated, 99.30% 
>> gc 
>> >>> > time) 
>> >>> > elapsed time: 0.169849999 seconds (36224200 bytes allocated) 
>> >>> > 
>> >>> > The inner loop, despite iterating over fewer and fewer indices has 
>> >>> > massively increased the gc, and therefore overall, execution time. I 
>> >>> have 
>> >>> > tried many things, including creating the compute function, 
>> >>> devectorizing 
>> >>> > the ratios calculation (which really slowed things down), using view 
>> >>> and 
>> >>> > sub in various places, profiling with --trace-allocation=all but I 
>> >>> can't 
>> >>> > figure out why this happens or how to fix it. Doing gc for 22 
>> seconds 
>> >>> > obviously kills the performance, and since there are about 22M 
>> >>> iterations 
>> >>> > this is prohibitive. Can anyone suggest something I can try to 
>> improve 
>> >>> the 
>> >>> > performance here? 
>> >>> > 
>> >>> > Thanks, 
>> >>> > Adam 
>> >>> 
>> >>> 

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