Images has (I think) basically already solved this problem. The way it uses 
magic numbers is described at

For the example (a SIF) file, the magic bytes are enclosed in that
b"Andor Technology Multi-Channel File"


On Wednesday, April 08, 2015 05:58:11 AM Simon Danisch wrote:
> This is half true.
> Magic numbers are only used in ImageMagick.jl per "accident", as that's how
> the underlying C-library does things.
> To be honest, I haven't looked at the details yet myself, as I mostly copy
> and pasted code to get a first prototype running.
> I sketch out in FileIO.jl#3 <>
> how I plan on using magic numbers.
> If I find some time, I will make a schematic of some more advanced features
> to handle ambiguities and different endings which map to the same type.
> This should also give a better overview of the architecture and what a
> package creator must do to get integrated into FileIO.
> Best,
> Simon
> Am Samstag, 4. April 2015 17:41:14 UTC+2 schrieb Simon Danisch:
> > Hi there,
> > 
> > FileIO has the aim to make it very easy to read any arbitrary file.
> > I hastily copied together a proof of concept by taking code from
> > Images.jl.
> > 
> > JuliaIO is the umbrella group, which takes IO packages with no home. If
> > someone wrote an IO package, but doesn't have time to implement the FileIO
> > interface, giving it to JuliaIO might be a good idea in order to keep the
> > package usable.
> > 
> > Concept of FileIO is described in the readme:
> > 
> > Meta package for FileIO. Purpose is to open a file and return the
> > respective Julia object, without doing any research on how to open the
> > file.
> > 
> > f = file"test.jpg" # -> File{:jpg}read(f) # -> Imageread(file"test.obj") #
> > -> Meshread(file"test.csv") # -> DataFrame
> > 
> > So far only Images are supported and MeshIO is on the horizon.
> > 
> > It is structured the following way: There are three levels of abstraction,
> > first FileIO, defining the file_str macro etc, then a meta package for a
> > certain class of file, e.g. Images or Meshes. This meta package defines
> > the
> > Julia datatype (e.g. Mesh, Image) and organizes the importer libraries.
> > This is also a good place to define IO library independant tests for
> > different file formats. Then on the last level, there are the low-level
> > importer libraries, which do the actual IO. They're included via Mike
> > Innes
> > Requires <> package, so
> > that it doesn't introduce extra load time if not needed. This way, using
> > FileIO without reading/writing anything should have short load times.
> > 
> > As an implementation example please look at FileIO -> ImageIO ->
> > ImageMagick. This should already work as a proof of concept. Try:
> > 
> > using FileIO # should be very fast, thanks to Mike Innes Requires
> > packageread(file"test.jpg") # takes a little longer as it needs to load
> > the IO libraryread(file"test.jpg") # should be fastread(File("documents",
> > "images", "myimage.jpg") # automatic joinpath via File constructor
> > 
> > Please open issues if things are not clear or if you find flaws in the
> > concept/implementation.
> > 
> > If you're interested in working on this infrastructure I'll be pleased to
> > add you to the group JuliaIO.
> > 
> > 
> > Best,
> > 
> > Simon

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