Related: You should be
able to do A1[1,vec(A1[1,:].!=0)] to get around this.

On Thu, Apr 9, 2015 at 11:12 AM, Changan Liu <> wrote:

> I meet problems about translating my matrix computation codes from Matlab
> to Julia.
> Here is the example :
> In Matlab :
> A1=[0 2 3;4 0 6;7 8 0];
> B=A1(A1(:,1)~=0,1)
> C=A1(1,A1(1,:)~=0)
> We can get :
> B =
>      4
>      7
> C =
>      2     3
> In Julia :
> A1=[0 2 3;4 0 6;7 8 0]
> A1[A1[:,1].!= 0,1]
> we can get :
> 2-element Array{Int64,1}:
>  4
>  7
> However, in Julia :
> A1[1,A1[1,:].!=0]
> It will show the error :
> `getindex` has no method matching getindex(::Array{Int64,2}, ::Int64,
> ::BitArray{2})
> Could anyone help me to point out the problems and how to fix it, please?
> Thank you!

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