I now get

*CHOLMOD warning: not positive definiteERROR: `-` has no method matching 
I must probably mention that I generate my sparse matrix using this 
constructor: *sparse(I,J,V)*, with

*    I = Array(Int64,N)    J = Array(Int64,N)    V = 
On Thursday, April 9, 2015 at 7:53:32 PM UTC+2, Alex wrote:
> Try 
> eigs(A, nev=1, which=:SM) 
> You might want to look into the docs to see the other keywords, for 
> example if you need the eigenvector(s) as well. 
> Best, 
> Alex. 
> On Thursday, 9 April 2015 19:34:40 UTC+2, Andrei Berceanu  wrote: 
> > How can I get the minimum eigenvalue of a sparse matrix? 
> >  I found eigmin(A), but it only seems to work on dense matrices. 
> > ERROR: `eigmin` has no method matching 
> eigmin(::SparseMatrixCSC{Complex{Float64},Int64}) 

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