The useful parts of SuiteSparse are all GPL. So, for a GPL-free build, it 
is straightforward to completely avoid using SuiteSparse.

One of the things I want is to have a version of Julia built with Intel 
compilers and linked to MKL. Julia can already use Intel's BLAS, LAPACK, 
LIBM, and FFT routines. There is also a VML package for vector math 
functions. The only big missing piece is sparse solvers - but perhaps that 
is ok for people, who can use Intel's sparse solvers or MUMPS or something 


On Thursday, April 16, 2015 at 7:51:38 PM UTC+5:30, Isaiah wrote:
> I recently annotated the license list to give myself (and others) a 
> quick-look grasp of the license situation:
> I agree with Tony that in the short-term, distributing a GPL-free binary 
> ourselves is not a priority, but pull requests to make the situation 
> clearer or to make a GPL-free build simpler would be fine. For example, 
> there could be a NO_GPL Makefile variable, and a macro on the Julia side to 
> annotate and selectively exclude GPL stuff from the system image (FFTW and 
> Rmath should be, respectively, easy and very easy to exclude, however I'm 
> not sure how deeply entangled the SuiteSparse stuff is).
> On Thu, Apr 16, 2015 at 10:04 AM, Tony Kelman <> wrote:
>> It's certainly a long-term goal. 0.4 is far enough behind-schedule 
>> already that it's very unlikely to happen by then. Like most things in open 
>> source, it's limited by available labor. People who want to see it happen 
>> will need to help out if they want it to happen faster. For this particular 
>> issue of GPL dependencies, the most useful places to contribute would be 
>> helping set up BinDeps for the forked Rmath-julia library so it does not 
>> need to be built by base and Distributions.jl can still work well and be 
>> easy to install, and asking on the "New DFT API" pull request whether there 
>> are specific areas where Steven Johnson needs help - likely answers are 
>> benchmarking, conflict resolution to rebase to master, and setting up FFTW 
>> as a package with automatic BinDeps etc.
>> Removing things from Base has proven difficult to do smoothly, and while 
>> it will be necessary to slim down the mandatory runtime dependencies for 
>> embedding, static compilation, and less-restrictive licensing use cases, a 
>> lot of work still needs to be done to figure out how to manage code 
>> migrations in the least disruptive manner possible. I don't think this is 
>> the primary concern of any core Julia developers or contributors at the 
>> moment (in fact several people have said they would strongly prefer to not 
>> remove any other code from Base until after 0.4.0 is released, and I agree 
>> with that), but help and contributions are always welcome.
>> On Wednesday, April 15, 2015 at 6:51:44 AM UTC-7, Sebastian Good wrote:
>>> Is producing a non-GPL Julia build still on the radar? It might be a 
>>> nice goal for the 0.4 release, even if we have to build it ourselves (e.g. 
>>> against MKL, etc.)
>>> On Monday, April 21, 2014 at 5:00:47 PM UTC-4, Steven G. Johnson wrote:
>>>> On Monday, April 21, 2014 4:40:38 PM UTC-4, Tobias Knopp wrote:
>>>>> Yes this is awesome work you have done there. Do you plan to implement 
>>>>> the real-data FFT, DCT and DST in pure Julia also? Then one could really 
>>>>> think about moving FFTW into a package. Hopefully its author is ok with 
>>>>> that ;-) 
>>>> I plan to implement real-data FFTs, and move FFTW into a package.
>>>> Pure-Julia DCT and DST are not in my immediate plans (they are a PITA 
>>>> to do right because there are 16 types, of which 8 are common); my feeling 
>>>> is that the need for these is uncommon enough that it's not terrible to 
>>>> have these in a package instead of in Base.    (Hadamard transforms and 
>>>> MDCTs are also currently in packages.)

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