Hi Kevin, thanks for the link! From the end of that thread:

"Has anybody written pure Julia symbolic math for things like:

f = (x**y + y**z + z**x)**100
g = f.expand()"

"As far as I know there is no Julia package which supports such symbolic 
expressions and manipulation."

Now there is!

Saw a more recent dev discussion calling for someone to write a package 
like this. Have looked through the package list many times and never found 
anything that appeared alike the vision of Equations, SymPy has some common 
functionality however certainly didn't start developing in Julia to use 

Developing this code is indeed very enjoying and as more of the planned 
features become released a solid user base will be established, have 
expanded the todolist with an impelling to read the discussion in your link 
so as to hasten the construction of such a foundation, as per your 

With love. <3

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