So I discovered the --track-allocation option and now I am really confused:

Here's my session:

$ julia --track-allocation=all
   _       _ _(_)_     |  A fresh approach to technical computing
  (_)     | (_) (_)    |  Documentation:
   _ _   _| |_  __ _   |  Type "help()" for help.
  | | | | | | |/ _` |  |
  | | |_| | | | (_| |  |  Version 0.3.8-pre+13 (2015-04-17 18:08 UTC)
 _/ |\__'_|_|_|\__'_|  |  Commit 0df962d* (2 days old release-0.3)
|__/                   |  x86_64-redhat-linux

julia> include("test.jl")
test_all (generic function with 1 method)

julia> test_unsafe(5)

And here's the relevant part of the resulting test.jl.mem file.  Note that 
I commented out some calls to 'size' and replaced with the appropriate 
hard-coded values but the resulting allocation is the same... Can anyone 
shed some light on this while I wait for 0.4 to compile?

        - function update(a::AbstractArray, idx, off)
  8151120     for i=1:320 #size(a, idx)
        0         a[i] = -10*off+i
        -     end
        0     a
        - end
       - function setk_UnSafe{T}(a::Array{T,3})
      760     us = UnsafeSlice(a, 3)
        0     for j=1:size(a,2),i=1:size(a,1)
  8151120         us.start = (j-1)*320+i #size(a,1)+i
        -         #off = sub2ind(size(a), i, j, 1)
        0         update(us, 3, us.start)
        -     end
        0     a
        - end
        - function test_unsafe(n)
        0     a = zeros(Int, (320, 320, 320))
        -     # warmup
        0     setk_UnSafe(a);
        0     clear_malloc_data()
        -     #@time (
        0     for i=1:n; setk_UnSafe(a); end
        - end

On Sunday, April 19, 2015 at 2:21:56 PM UTC-6, Peter Brady wrote:
> @Dahua, thanks for adding an unsafeview!  I appreciate how quickly this 
> community responds.
> I've added the following function to my test.jl script
> function setk_unsafeview{T}(a::Array{T,3})
>     for j=1:size(a,2),i=1:size(a,1)
>         off = sub2ind(size(a), i, j, 1)
>         update(unsafe_view(a, i, j, :), 3, off)
>     end
>     a
> end
>  But I'm not seeing the large increase in performance I was expecting.  My 
> timings are now
> julia> test_all(5);
> test_stride
> elapsed time: 2.156173128 seconds (0 bytes allocated)
> test_view
> elapsed time: 9.30964534 seconds (94208000 bytes allocated, 0.47% gc time)
> test_unsafe
> elapsed time: 2.169307471 seconds (16303000 bytes allocated)
> test_unsafeview
> elapsed time: 8.955876793 seconds (90112000 bytes allocated, 0.41% gc time)
> To be fair, I am cheating a bit with my custom 'UnsafeSlice' since I make 
> only one instance and simply update the offset on each iteration.  If I 
> make it immutable and create a new instance on every iteration (as I do for 
> the view and unsafeview), things slow down a little and the allocation goes 
> south:
> julia> test_all(5);
> test_stride
> elapsed time: 2.159909265 seconds (0 bytes allocated)
> test_view
> elapsed time: 9.029025282 seconds (94208000 bytes allocated, 0.43% gc time)
> test_unsafe
> elapsed time: 2.621667854 seconds (114606240 bytes allocated, 2.41% gc 
> time)
> test_unsafeview
> elapsed time: 8.888434466 seconds (90112000 bytes allocated, 0.44% gc time)
> These are all with 0.3.8-pre.  I'll try compiling master and see what 
> happens.  I'm still confused about why allocating a single type with a 
> pointer, 2 ints and a tuple costs so much memory though.
> On Sunday, April 19, 2015 at 11:38:17 AM UTC-6, Tim Holy wrote:
>> It's not just escape analysis, as this (new) issue demonstrates: 
>> --Tim 
>> On Sunday, April 19, 2015 12:33:51 PM Sebastian Good wrote: 
>> > Their size seems much decreased. I’d imagine to totally avoid 
>> allocation in 
>> > this benchmark requires an optimization that really has nothing to do 
>> with 
>> > subarrays per se. You’d have to do an escape analysis and see that Aj 
>> never 
>> > left sumcols. Not easy in practice, since it’s passed to slice and 
>> length, 
>> > and you’d have to make sure they didn’t squirrel it away or pass it on 
>> to 
>> > someone else. Then you could stack allocate it, or even destructure it 
>> into 
>> > a bunch of scalar mutations on the stack. After eliminating dead code, 
>> > you’d end up with a no-allocation loop much like you’d write by hand. 
>> This 
>> > sort of optimization seems to be quite tricky for compilers to pull 
>> off, 
>> > but it’s a common pattern in numerical code. 
>> > 
>> > In Julia is such cleverness left entirely to LLVM, or are there 
>> optimization 
>> > passes in Julia itself? On April 19, 2015 at 6:49:21 AM, Tim Holy 
>> > ( wrote: 
>> > 
>> > Sorry to be slow to chime in here, but the tuple overhaul has landed 
>> and 
>> > they are still not zero-cost: 
>> > 
>> > function sumcols(A) 
>> > s = 0.0 
>> > for j = 1:size(A,2) 
>> > Aj = slice(A, :, j) 
>> > for i = 1:length(Aj) 
>> > s += Aj[i] 
>> > end 
>> > end 
>> > s 
>> > end 
>> > 
>> > Even in the latest 0.4, this still allocates memory. On the other hand, 
>> > while SubArrays allocate nearly 2x more memory than ArrayViews, the 
>> speed 
>> > of the two (replacing `slice` with `view` above) is, for me, nearly 
>> > identical. 
>> > 
>> > --Tim 
>> > 
>> > On Friday, April 17, 2015 08:30:27 PM Sebastian Good wrote: 
>> > > This was discussed a few weeks ago 
>> > > 
>> > > 
>> > > 
>> > > I think the bottom line is that the current implementation *should* 
>> be 
>> > > 'zero-cost' once a set of planned improvements and optimizations take 
>> > > place. One of the key ones is a tuple overhaul. 
>> > > 
>> > > Fair to say it can never be 'zero' cost since there is different 
>> inherent 
>> > > overhead depending on the type of subarray, e.g. offset, slice, 
>> > > re-dimension, etc. however the implementation is quite clever about 
>> > > allowing specialization of those. 
>> > > 
>> > > In a common case (e.g. a constant offset or simple stride) my 
>> > > understanding 
>> > > is that the structure will be type-specialized and likely stack 
>> allocated 
>> > > in many cases, reducing to what you'd write by hand. At least this is 
>> what 
>> > > they're after. 
>> > > 
>> > > On Friday, April 17, 2015 at 4:24:14 PM UTC-4, Peter Brady wrote: 
>> > > > Thanks for the links. I'll check out ArrayViews as it looks like 
>> what I 
>> > > > was going to do manually without wrapping it in a type. 
>> > > > 
>> > > > By semi-dim agnostic I meant that the differencing algorithm itself 
>> only 
>> > > > cares about one dimension but that dimension is different for 
>> different 
>> > > > directions. Only a few toplevel routines actually need to know 
>> about the 
>> > > > dimensionality of the problem. 
>> > > > 
>> > > > On Friday, April 17, 2015 at 2:04:39 PM UTC-6, René Donner wrote: 
>> > > >> As far as I have measured it sub in 0.4 is still not cheap, as it 
>> > > >> provides the flexibility to deal with all kinds of strides and 
>> offsets, 
>> > > >> and 
>> > > >> the view object itself thus has a certain size. See 
>> > > >> for a 
>> simple 
>> > > >> analysis, where the speed is mostly dominated by the speed of the 
>> > > >> "sub-view" mechanism. 
>> > > >> 
>> > > >> To get faster views which require strides etc you can try 
>> > > >> 
>> > > >> 
>> > > >> What do you mean by semi-dim agnostic? In case you only need 
>> indexing 
>> > > >> along the last dimension (like a[:,:,i] and a[:,:,:,i]) you can 
>> use 
>> > > >> 
>> > > >> 
>> > > >> 
>> > > >> which uses normal DenseArrays and simple pointer updates 
>> internally. It 
>> > > >> can also update a view in-place, by just incrementing the pointer. 
>> > > >> 
>> > > >> Am 17.04.2015 um 21:48 schrieb Peter Brady <>: 
>> > > >> > Inorder to write some differencing algorithms in a 
>> semi-dimensional 
>> > > >> 
>> > > >> agnostic manner the code I've written makes heavy use of subarrays 
>> > > >> which 
>> > > >> turn out to be rather costly. I've noticed some posts on the cost 
>> of 
>> > > >> subarrays here and that things will be better in 0.4. Can someone 
>> > > >> comment 
>> > > >> on how much better? Would subarray (or anything like it) be on par 
>> with 
>> > > >> simply passing an offset and stride (constant) and computing the 
>> index 
>> > > >> myself? I'm currently using the 0.3 release branch. 

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