I am using

  autocmd FileType julia set commentstring=#\ %s

together with https://github.com/tpope/vim-commentary (don't have experience 
with tComment)

Am 28.04.2015 um 11:14 schrieb Magnus Lie Hetland <m...@idi.ntnu.no>:

> I'm using vim for Julia editing, and the Julia mode is great; for some 
> reason, though either it or tComment (or their interaction ;-) uses the 
> multiline comment style when commenting individual lines. So I end up with
> #= for i=1:n =#
> #=     prinln(i) =#
> #= end =#
> When I really would have wanted
> # for i=1:n
> #     prinln(i)
> # end
> Or, I guess, some version with #= at the beginning and =# at the end, for 
> that matter. I couldn't immediately find out how to configure tComment to 
> “behave,” so I thought I'd check if anyone else is using it :-)

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