Hi Rene,

Good point about the worker startup flags, will keep that in mind. In my 
case however that does not seem to be the problem as I am overwriting the 
default image (doing that in a Docker container so it is fine to mess 
things up and play).

Narrowed down the problem to one specific package pre-compilation, 
proceeding with the GitHub issue now as the case does not seem to be 

Thanks for replying.

On Thursday, April 30, 2015 at 2:20:47 AM UTC-7, René Donner wrote:
> Hi, 
> I had to fiddle with the precompilation myself, initially hitting similar 
> issues. 
> Are you starting julia simply with "julia" or do you specify the path to 
> the system image using the "-J" parameter? In case you use "-J" you need to 
> use the exeflags parameter of addprocs to specify this for the workers as 
> well, otherwise they will load the default sys.jl. 
> The locations for sys.{ji,o} depend on whether you ran "make install" or 
> are using julia right after "make" or installed a julia binary. Perhaps run 
> "find . -name "sys.*", note where the default sys.ji is and where the one 
> you get from build_sysimg gets saved, make sure they are where you expect 
> them to be, in my case I happened to generate them in (to me) unexpected 
> places. 
> I tried to simplify the build process in 
> https://github.com/rened/SystemImageBuilder.jl. By default, it will 
> precompile all installed packages except for ones with known problems or 
> dependencies on such non-precompilable packages. Inclusion / exclusion of 
> packages can be configured. Work in progress, feedback would be much 
> appreciated! (disclaimer: in the worst case be prepared to reinstall julia 
> / rerun "make clean; make") 
> Rene 
> Am 30.04.2015 um 06:49 schrieb Pavel <pavel.p...@gmail.com <javascript:>>: 
> > I am building a custom Julia image (v0.3) using 
> > https://github.com/JuliaLang/JuliaBox/blob/master/docker/build_sysimg.jl 
> > by calling 
> >     build_sysimg(joinpath(dirname(Sys.dlpath("libjulia")),"sys"), 
> "native", "/home/juser/jimg.jl", force=true) 
> > 
> > A number of modules are listed in jimg.jl as `using Package` for 
> pre-compilation. 
> > 
> > The image builds without errors and starts fine, and package load time 
> is much shorter after pre-compilation as expected. However, when Julia is 
> started with more than one CPU core, e.g. `julia -p 2`, the following error 
> appears at startup: 
> > 
> > ERROR: `convert` has no method matching convert(::Type{Dict{K,V}}, 
> ::Parameters) 
> >  in create_worker at multi.jl:1067 
> >  in start_cluster_workers at multi.jl:1028 
> >  in addprocs at multi.jl:1237 
> >  in process_options at ./client.jl:236 
> >  in _start at ./client.jl:354 
> > 
> > Any suggestions? Thanks. 
> > 

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