> On Apr 30, 2015, at 9:58 PM, Tim Holy <tim.h...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Strings have long been a performance sore-spot in julia, so we're glad Scott 
> is hammering on that topic.

Thanks, Tim!  I was beginning to think I’d be banned from all Julia forums, for 
being a thorn in the side of
the Julia developers…
(I do want to say again… if I didn’t think what all of you had created wasn’t 
incredibly great, I wouldn’t be so interested
in making it even greater, in the particular areas I know a little about…
Also, the issues I’ve found are not because the developers aren’t brilliant 
[I’ve been super impressed, and I don’t impress
that easily!], but rather, either it’s outside of their area of expertise [as 
the numerical computing stuff is outside mine], or they
are incredibly busy making great strides in the areas that they are more 
interested in…)

> For "interpreted" code (including Julia with Any types), it's very possible 
> that Python is and will remain faster. For one thing, Python is single-
> dispatch, which means that when the interpreter has to go look up the 
> function 
> corresponding to your next expression, typically the list of applicable 
> methods is quite short. In contrast, julia sometimes has to sort through huge 
> method tables to determine the appropriate one to dispatch to. Multiple 
> dispatch adds a lot of power to the language, and there's no performance cost 
> for code that has been compiled, but it does make interpreted code slower.

Good point…


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