With the anonymous function approach, you shouldn't be calling eval at all.
As a rule, if you're calling eval at all after the startup phase of your
program, you're doing something wrong.

On Fri, May 1, 2015 at 10:46 AM, 'Antoine Messager' via julia-users <
julia-users@googlegroups.com> wrote:

> I am sorry for insisting, but it seems that even with anonymous function,
> the time necessary to create an anonymous function or a normal function
> (without the @gensym) is linearly increasing with the quantity of function
> created. I have tried the following:
> *for i in 1:1000*
> *           if(i%100==0)*
> *               print("$(int(i/10))%")*
> *           end*
> *           tic()*
> *
>  mymat=sgenerateAdjMat(Nnodes,int(Nnodes*1.5),int(Nnodes*0.3),2);*
> *
> degrates=exp((rand(Distributions.Uniform(-3.0*log(10),2.0*log(10)),Nnodes)));*
> *
> basalrates=exp((rand(Distributions.Uniform(-3.0*log(10),2.0*log(10)),Nnodes)));*
> *
> lhs,rhs,lhsjac,rhsjac=make_funjac_ode(mymat,Nnodes,degrates,basalrates,probact);*
> *           myfun=make_anonymous_f(lhs,rhs);*
> *           time[i]=toq()*
> *end*
> <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-tyrafotpY98/VUOQKo4IWNI/AAAAAAAAAB0/sDbwnXDvIik/s1600/Capture%2Bd%E2%80%99e%CC%81cran%2B2015-05-01%2Ba%CC%80%2B15.38.03.png>
> It the the same with the normal function.
> I know that the creation of the parameters (rhs,lhs...) always takes the
> same amount of time.
> Anonymous function: I need to eval the following:
> *function code_anonymous_f(lhs::Dict, rhs::Dict)*
> *    lines = {}*
> *    for key in keys(lhs)*
> *        push!(lines, :( $(lhs[key]) = $(rhs[key])) )*
> *    end*
> *    quote*
> *        func = (y, fy) -> begin*
> *            $(lines...)*
> *        end*
> *    end*
> *end*
> Normal function @gensym expressed only once:
> *@gensym f!*
> *function code_f(lhs::Dict, rhs::Dict)*
> *    lines = {}*
> *    for key in keys(lhs)*
> *        push!(lines, :( $(lhs[key]) = $(rhs[key])) )*
> *    end*
> *    quote*
> *        function $f!(y, fy)*
> *            $(lines...)*
> *        end*
> *    end*
> *end*
> I would need to create around 1.000.000 systems so I don't know what to
> do. After 20.000 tryes, it takes like 17 second instead of 0.01 at the
> beginning. I don't understand where it could come from.
> Thank you in advance,
> Antoine
> Le lundi 27 avril 2015 15:49:56 UTC+1, Antoine Messager a écrit :
>> Dear all,
>> I need to create a lot of systems of equation, find some characteristics
>> of each system and store the system if of interest. Each system is created
>> under the same name. It works fine for the first 1000 systems but after the
>> program starts to be too slow. I have tried to use the garbage collector
>> each time I create a new system but it did not speed up the code. I don't
>> know what to do, I don't understand where it could come from.
>> Cheers,
>> Antoine

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