Excellent. See also the response to your email.

On Thursday, May 7, 2015 at 4:39:32 PM UTC-4, Alexandros Fakos wrote:
> Thanks a lot Spencer,
> So when I create a type I should first think which fields are going to be 
> initialized in the constructor. It makes sense. 
> Best,
> Alex
> On Thursday, May 7, 2015 at 4:17:20 PM UTC-4, Spencer Lyon wrote:
>> Uninitialized fields need to be declared last because the way you 
>> construct an incompletely initialized type is to call `new` with less than 
>> the total number of fields. Then, elsewhere (preferably via a function call 
>> later in the constructor) you will fill in the fields that didn't make it 
>> into `new`.
>> Your question about why `a` was given the value `3` instead of `b` in 
>> your example is a confusion about how he `new` function works. The `new` 
>> function takes only *positional* arguments, not *keyword* arguments. This 
>> means that no matter what the variable is named locally when you call `new` 
>> from an inner constructor, the first argument to `new` will always fill in 
>> the value for the first field listed when you declared all the types on the 
>> field. In your example you assigned `b=3`locally in the function, then 
>> passed `b` as the first argument to `new` which made assigned it to be the 
>> value of the first field in your type (the `a` field).
>> So to me, this comment:
>> >  it seems complicated to place uninitialized fields last. Why is this? 
>> The field have names and when calling *new() *you are using these names
>> is actually more salient in reverse: you list the fields in the order you 
>> create them within a constructor, then whenever you are actually using the 
>> type (e.g. not in the constructor) you (most commonly) refer to fields by 
>> name so the order in which they were declared doesn't matter. 
>> On Thursday, May 7, 2015 at 2:04:36 PM UTC-4, Alexandros Fakos wrote:
>>> If I don't want to leave fields uninitialized what is the easiest and 
>>> most correct way to initialize them? Put them all zero with an inner 
>>> constructor?
>>> Thanks a lot,
>>> Alex
>>> On Thursday, May 7, 2015 at 12:56:35 PM UTC-4, Alexandros Fakos wrote:
>>>> Andrew,
>>>> I found your suggestion very helpful. However, it seems complicated to 
>>>> place uninitialized fields last. Why is this? The field have names and 
>>>> when 
>>>> calling *new() *you are using these names.
>>>> For example:
>>>> *julia> type foo*
>>>> *       a :: Int64*
>>>> *       b :: Int64*
>>>> *       function foo()*
>>>> *       b=3*
>>>> *       return new(b)*
>>>> *       end*
>>>> *       end*
>>>> *julia> var = foo()*
>>>> *foo(3,0)*
>>>> *julia> xdump(var)*
>>>> *foo *
>>>> *  a: Int64 3*
>>>> *  b: Int64 0*
>>>> Even if I ask b to be initialized, a is initialized instead. Why is 
>>>> this? 
>>>> On Sunday, April 20, 2014 at 10:51:29 AM UTC-4, andrew cooke wrote:
>>>>> yes, you can do this.  just place those fields last and use an 
>>>>> internal constructor to define everything else.
>>>>> its described at 
>>>>> http://julia.readthedocs.org/en/latest/manual/constructors/#incomplete-initialization
>>>>> (types are so important in julia that the info is in several chapters - 
>>>>> you 
>>>>> need to read the types and the constructors chapters to get a good 
>>>>> understanding).
>>>>> andrew
>>>>> On Saturday, 19 April 2014 21:50:05 UTC-3, Spencer Lyon wrote:
>>>>>> Say I have a type that defines a model. Something like this:
>>>>>> abstract Model
>>>>>> type Results
>>>>>> # Details not shown here
>>>>>> end
>>>>>> type IFP{T <: FloatingPoint} <: Model
>>>>>>     # Model parameters
>>>>>>     rho::T
>>>>>>     beta::T
>>>>>>     r::T
>>>>>>     R::T
>>>>>>     gamma::T
>>>>>>     # Grid parameters for a
>>>>>>     n_a::Integer
>>>>>>     a_max::T
>>>>>>     a::Vector{T}
>>>>>>     # Parameters for y
>>>>>>     n_y::Integer
>>>>>>     y::Vector{T}
>>>>>>     P::Matrix{T}
>>>>>>     Sol::Results
>>>>>> end
>>>>>> I would like to be able to initialize an object of type IFP, work 
>>>>>> with it for a while, pass it to a solution routine, and then fill in the 
>>>>>> Sol field at a later time.
>>>>>> Is there a way to leave Sol as an uninitialized field and then fill 
>>>>>> it in after the solution has been determined (which will be after 
>>>>>> constructing the IFP object and playing around with it for a while)? 
>>>>>> I suppose one way would be to have the inner constructor directly call 
>>>>>> the 
>>>>>> solution routine to get the Sol object. However, I want to avoid 
>>>>>> that because I may want to manipulate IFP between its construction 
>>>>>> and actually solving the model it describes.
>>>>>> ------------------------------
>>>>>> One more note. In this specific use case Sol could effectively be 
>>>>>> replaced by two other fields:
>>>>>> c::Matrix{T}
>>>>>> ap::Matrix{T}
>>>>>> Would that be an easier way to work with them as uninitialized 
>>>>>> fields? If so, why?

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