earlier this year, as a volunteer, i spent an hour on six consecutive Friday
afternoons introducing middle school students (aged 12 - 14) to Julia ...

we got familiar with the REPL, the IJulia notebook, JuliaBox, Jupyter
(on tmpnb.org) ...

we extended a Rock Paper Scissors program:


and surveyed some of the sample programs in Julia at:


generally, kids like the language, and the really like
programming in groups.

enjoy !!!


On Thursday, May 7, 2015 at 8:41:35 AM UTC-7, yu...@altern.org wrote:
> Personally I always recommend Processing as a starting environment, it 
> allows to easily do cool stuff. 
> The bottleneck when starting is often motivation, so having positive 
> feedback is important.
> http://www.openprocessing.org/sketch/192912

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