Have you had any further thought on this? It seems like it could be quite 
useful for the cases where one intentionally disables the GC for 
performance reasons - though you guys are incredibly busy! I also read 
about having the compiler automatically insert frees where it can in Julia 
and was wondering if that fits at all into this?

On Tuesday, 16 December 2014 23:24:08 UTC+2, Stefan Karpinski wrote:
> I would love to figure out a way to bring the kind of automatic resource 
> and memory release that Rust has to Julia, but the cost is some fairly 
> finicky static compiler analysis that is ok for Rust's target demographic 
> but fairly clearly unacceptable for Julia general audience. What we'd need 
> is a more dynamic version of something like that. One idea I've had is to 
> indicate ownership and enforce it at run-time rather than compile time – 
> and eliminate run-time checks when we can prove that they aren't needed. 
> This could look something like having "owned references" to values versus 
> "borrowed references" and check that the object still exists if the 
> borrowed reference is used and raise an error if it doesn't. When an owned 
> reference to the thing goes out of scope, immediately finalize it. I'm not 
> sure how to indicate this, but it would be great to be able to write:
> function foo(...)
>     fh = open(file)
>     # do stuff with fh
> end # <= fh is automatically before the function returns
> # it's a runtime error to access the fh object after this
> Similarly, you could have something like this:
> function bar(...)
>     a = @local Array(Int,10)
>     # do stuff with a    
> end # <= a is automatically freed before the function returns
> # it's a runtime error to access the a object after this
> Given these semantics, it would be relatively easy to alloca the actual 
> memory of the array, and only heap allocate the object itself, which could 
> then reference the stack allocated memory. This is tough to implement, 
> especially efficiently, but I have a bit of a suspicion that in Julia 
> mutable objects – and this only makes sense for mutable objects that are 
> inherently associated with a particular place in memory – are rarely 
> performance critical in Julia.
> On Mon, Dec 15, 2014 at 11:15 PM, John Myles White <johnmyl...@gmail.com 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> This is taking the thread off-topic, but conceptually such things are 
>> possible. But Rust has a very different set of semantics for memory 
>> ownership than Julia has and is doing a lot more analysis at compile-time 
>> than Julia is doing. So Julia would need to change a lot to be more like 
>> Rust. I've come to really adore Rust, so I'd like to see us borrow some 
>> ideas, but my personal sense is that Julia and Rust simply serve different 
>> niches and shouldn't really move towards one another too much lest each 
>> language wind up forsaking what makes it useful.
>>  -- John
>> On Dec 15, 2014, at 8:43 PM, Eric Forgy <eric....@gmail.com <javascript:>> 
>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm new to Julia and mentioned it to a friend who is more into systems 
>> than mathematical models and he mentioned his current "crush" is Rust, 
>> which is also built on LVVM. I may have totally missed the point, but IF I 
>> understand, Rust does away with garbage collection by "borrow blocking" at 
>> compile time. The question popped into my head whether we could turn off GC 
>> in Julia and check for problems at compile time. A google later, brought me 
>> to this thread. Is that a totally misguided idea?
>> Best regards,
>> Eric
>> PS: You can tell I'm coming in with almost no background knowledge about 
>> compilers (or real languages for that matter), but am having fun learning. 
>> LVVM was developed at my alma mater (PhD in ECE - Computational 
>> Electromagnetics - from UIUC 2002). Go Illini! :)
>> On Friday, February 22, 2013 7:11:32 PM UTC+8, Tim Holy wrote:
>>> Have you played with SProfile in the Profile package? It's rather good 
>>> at 
>>> highlighting which lines, in your code and in base/, trigger the gc. 
>>> Note that 
>>> in my experience the gc does not seem to be triggered necessarily on big 
>>> allocations; for example, even allocating an array as 
>>>    Array(Int, (3,5)) 
>>> rather than 
>>>   Array(Int, 3, 5) 
>>> can trigger the gc (I see lots of gc() calls coming from our Lapack code 
>>> for 
>>> this reason). 
>>> Because I don't really know how the gc works, I'm not certain that kind 
>>> of 
>>> thing actually reflects a problem; perhaps it was just going to have to 
>>> call gc 
>>> on the next heap-allocation event, and (3,5) just happened to be the 
>>> lucky 
>>> candidate. But there's an open issue about this: 
>>> https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/1976 
>>> Docs are here: https://github.com/timholy/Profile.jl 
>>> I think they're slightly out of date, but only in very minor ways. 
>>> --Tim 
>>> On Thursday, February 21, 2013 03:17:59 PM nathan hodas wrote: 
>>> > Here's the code that benefits from @nogc: 
>>> > 
>>> > Notice the iteration over a Dict and a Set. iscorrect() checks a field 
>>> of 
>>> > the Attempt type. I can tell by running this particular that the 
>>> garbage 
>>> > collection is running during the for loop. 
>>> > function meantime(userdata::Dict{Int,Set{Attempt}}) 
>>> >     usertimes = Dict{Int,Float64}() 
>>> >     sizehint(usertimes,length(userdata)) 
>>> >     for (uid,attempts) in collect(userdata) 
>>> >         s = 0.0; 
>>> >         c = 0.0; 
>>> >         ic = 0.0; 
>>> >         for a in attempts 
>>> >                 ic = iscorrect(a) 
>>> >                 s += (a.tend - a.tstart)*ic; 
>>> >                 c += ic; 
>>> >         end 
>>> >         usertimes[uid] = s/c; 
>>> >     end 
>>> >     usertimes 
>>> > end 
>>> > 
>>> > This code has no benefit from @nogc, regardless of the kernel function 
>>> k1: 
>>> > 
>>> > function dostuff(input1,input2) 
>>> >     output = similar(input1) 
>>> >     len = length(input1) 
>>> >     for i = 1:len 
>>> >         x = input1[i] 
>>> >         for j = 1:len 
>>> >             y = input2[j] 
>>> >             output[i] += k1(x,y) 
>>> >         end 
>>> >     end 
>>> >     output 
>>> > end 
>>> > 
>>> > On Thursday, February 21, 2013 10:37:09 AM UTC-8, Stefan Karpinski 
>>> wrote: 
>>> > > Can you post some example code? Are you just iterating the Dict 
>>> object 
>>> > > with a for loop? 
>>> > > 
>>> > > 
>>> > > On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 1:35 PM, Stefan Karpinski 
>>> > > <ste...@karpinski.org<javascript:>> 
>>> > > > wrote: 
>>> > >> That's good information to have. I'll look into it. 
>>> > >> 
>>> > >> 
>>> > >> On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 1:13 PM, nathan hodas 
>>> > >> <nho...@gmail.com<javascript:>>> 
>>> > >> > wrote: 
>>> > >>> It's true that @nogc is not a panacea.  For my particular 
>>> function, it 
>>> > >>> produces a robust 20x speed up, even after subsequent collection.  
>>> For 
>>> > >>> other seemingly similar functions, it has no effect at all. I 
>>> don't use 
>>> > >>> any 
>>> > >>> temporary arrays *that I'm aware of*, but it seems the iterators 
>>> of a 
>>> > >>> Dict 
>>> > >>> are doing something in the background. 
>>> > >>> 
>>> > >>> On Wednesday, February 20, 2013 3:44:24 PM UTC-8, Tim Holy wrote: 
>>> > >>>> The other thing you should check is whether you're allocating 
>>> more than 
>>> > >>>> you 
>>> > >>>> need to. I find that I can often reuse bits of memory, and that 
>>> can 
>>> > >>>> dramatically decrease the need for gc. In the long run that may 
>>> help 
>>> > >>>> you a 
>>> > >>>> _lot_ more than temporarily disabling gc, because at some point 
>>> you'll 
>>> > >>>> need to 
>>> > >>>> turn it on again. 
>>> > >>>> 
>>> > >>>> There are examples of this kind of thing scattered all over the 
>>> Julia 
>>> > >>>> code 
>>> > >>>> tree. Just because it was rather easy for me to find :-), here's 
>>> the 
>>> > >>>> patch I 
>>> > >>>> pushed to Zip in iterator.jl today: 
>>> > >>>> https://github.com/JuliaLang/**julia/commit/** 
>>> > >>>> 89ece095e8ea1fa166074306927c6c**c5f90060f7<https://github.
>>> com/JuliaLang 
>>> > >>>> /julia/commit/89ece095e8ea1fa166074306927c6cc5f90060f7> It got 
>>> rid of 
>>> > >>>> two array allocations per iteration, by reusing one array and 
>>> > >>>> pre-allocating "scratch space" inside the type for the other. 
>>> > >>>> 
>>> > >>>> You can also reuse bits of memory by writing functions with a 
>>> syntax 
>>> > >>>> like 
>>> > >>>> 
>>> > >>>> this: 
>>> > >>>>    function myfunc(out::Array, arg1, arg2) 
>>> > >>>> 
>>> > >>>> where out is pre-allocated storage for the output. This helps if 
>>> you'll 
>>> > >>>> be 
>>> > >>>> calling the same function many times and always need an array of 
>>> the 
>>> > >>>> same type 
>>> > >>>> and dimensions. Our matrix multiplication routines can be used in 
>>> this 
>>> > >>>> way. 
>>> > >>>> 
>>> > >>>> --Tim 

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