My guess is that this has something to do with currently lacking facilities 
for type inference on global variables. If you wrap your indirect approach 
in a function, you get the predictable behavior:

julia> function f()
           xvals = [ d for d in 1.0:10.0 ]
           xxvals = [ (d,d) for d in xvals ]
           return xxvals
f (generic function with 1 method)

julia> f()
10-element Array{(Float64,Float64),1}:

On Wednesday, May 13, 2015 at 7:44:26 AM UTC-4, wrote:
> Currently having a mental block about this here. Why does this code: 
>     julia> [(d,d) for d in 1.0:10.0] 
>     10-element Array{(Float64,Float64),1}: 
>      (1.0,1.0)   
>      (2.0,2.0)   
>      (3.0,3.0)   
>      (4.0,4.0)   
>      (5.0,5.0)   
>      (6.0,6.0)   
>      (7.0,7.0)   
>      (8.0,8.0)   
>      (9.0,9.0)   
>      (10.0,10.0) 
> produce an array of floats, but this less direct version: 
>     julia> x_vals = [d for d in 1.0:10.0] 
>     10-element Array{Float64,1}: 
>       1.0 
>       2.0 
>       3.0 
>       4.0 
>       5.0 
>       6.0 
>       7.0 
>       8.0 
>       9.0 
>      10.0 
>     julia> [(d,d) for d in x_vals] 
>     10-element Array{(Any,Any),1}: 
>      (1.0,1.0)   
>      (2.0,2.0)   
>      (3.0,3.0)   
>      (4.0,4.0)   
>      (5.0,5.0)   
>      (6.0,6.0)   
>      (7.0,7.0)   
>      (8.0,8.0)   
>      (9.0,9.0)   
>      (10.0,10.0) 
> produces an array of Any? 

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