Hi there,
xdata (or any other grid) does not need to be on a grid, that's just the 
way the example is written. but no extrapolation, that's right.

On Thursday, 14 May 2015 01:05:55 UTC+1, Yakir Gagnon wrote:
> Thanks a ton people!!!
> ExtremelyRandomizedTrees.jl: Might be really good, but errored a lot on 
> version 4.
> ApproXD.jl: Very cool, I'll come back to that later, but for now: "What 
> Lininterp cannot do: Multidimensional extrapolation" which I need (and 
> accept is prone to silliness). Plus, according to the examples, the known 
> xdata needs to be on a grid. My x,y,z are not equally spaced that way, they 
> are scattered.
> compute the distances: I started with that, and in light of these results 
> I might fall back to doing just that. 
> Polyharmonic Splines: does exactly what I want, but not faster than just 
> distances (but probably a lot more accurate). 
> CHull.jl: might be awesome for this, but I didn't quickly see how I can 
> use it to interpolate and extrapolate.
> I feel like I owe you guys some background: I have some color-map 
> functions that take a value, let's call it X (for some 0<X<1 and for some 
> -pi/2<X<pi/2) and return an RGB. I need to use these to convert images that 
> have colors that are similar (but not always identical) to the RGB values 
> from these color-maps back to the value (X) that would have resulted in 
> said RGB (so it's like the inverse of those color-map functions). After 
> much trial and error, I think that since the images I want to convert this 
> way are all 8-bit, the fastest way would be to construct a lookup table for 
> all 2^(8*3) possible RGB combinations. This table (Dict) will take any RGB 
> value from those images I need to convert and return X. This makes sense 
> because I have only 4 such color-map functions, and potentially endless 
> amounts of images to convert (currently a couple of tera). 
> So I think I'll use simple distances, run that once, save those lookup 
> tables and use them again and again on new images. 
> On Thursday, May 14, 2015 at 4:19:18 AM UTC+10, Luke Stagner wrote:
>> You can use Polyharmonic Splines 
>> <http://nbviewer.ipython.org/gist/lstagner/04a05b120e0be7de9915>
>> On Wednesday, May 13, 2015 at 5:33:08 AM UTC-7, Yakir Gagnon wrote:
>>> I have a bunch (~1000) of x,y,z and a corresponding value, V. One unique 
>>> V for each x,y,z. I want to interpolate and extrapolate "wildly" (so I 
>>> really don't care about how accurate or correct it is). The x,y,z I have 
>>> are not regularly spaced or anything. They're scattered across some range 
>>> (they all share similar ranges), and I want to know what value (i.e. new V) 
>>> I should be getting at new and regularly spaced x,y,z. I think 
>>> Matlab's griddata would do what I want.
>>> I tired following the "lower-level" functionality from Grid.jl, 
>>> Interpolations.jl, and Dierckx.jl, but couldn't figure out how to get this 
>>> to work. 
>>> I think I need to fit some curve to my scattered points and then use 
>>> that to find the values at the new xyz (at least that's how I think 
>>> griddata works)... Any good simple ideas out there?

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