DataFrames was written with the intent that columns are vector-like
objects. Sometimes other objects can be used, but support of features gets
iffy. Options that might work include:

* Wrap your multidimensional object in a vector type that returns the
appropriate subset when indexed by a row. That will work with the existing

* Submit a pull request to DataFrames to better support multidimensional

On Fri, May 22, 2015 at 7:39 AM, Josef Sachs <> wrote:

> DataFrames apparently do not allow columns to be multidimensional
> DataArrays.
> julia> DataFrame(A = 1:5, B = DataArray(reshape(1:15,(5,3))))
> ERROR: ArgumentError: setindex!(::DataFrame, ...) only broadcasts scalars,
> not arrays
>  in setindex! at
> C:\Users\s2sajs\.julia\v0.4\DataFrames\src\dataframe\dataframe.jl:356
> Is that a bug, or an unintentional restriction, or an intentional
> restriction?

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