Hi all,

JuliaCon is less than four weeks away!

Two gentle reminders that our special conference pricing arrangements will 
be ending soon.

   1. Our current early bird rates for registration expire at the end of *June 
   3*. Tickets purchased on or after June 4 will cost 25% more.
   2. Our block room reservation rate with the Hyatt Regency on Memorial 
   Drive will also expire at the end of *June 3*. The hotel will not 
   guarantee the special conference rate on or after June 4. Do note that 
   hotel rooms are scarce in Boston during the summer, and with list prices of 
   $319-$384 per night, the special conference rates at $220-$265 per night 
   are very competitive. We thank the Hyatt Regency for making these prices 
   available, and strongly encourage all attendees from outside the Boston 
   area to take advantage of this special deal.

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