The 0.3-prerelease version of Julia was installed in my machine when I 
tried to isntall julia from the terminal
by typing "sudo apt-get install julia".
I run linux mint 16 on my laptop.
When I try to apt-get install git, I receive the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/command-not-found", line 21, in <module>
    os.execvp("python3", [sys.argv[0]] + sys.argv)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 344, in execvp
    _execvpe(file, args)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 380, in _execvpe
    func(fullname, *argrest)
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory

On Monday, June 15, 2015 at 7:44:51 PM UTC+2, Tony Kelman wrote:
> Which Linux distribution are you using? That error most likely means you 
> don't have git installed, you need to manually install it through your 
> distribution's package manager (apt-get, yum, pacman, zypper, etc). I'm a 
> little surprised Pkg commands were able to work from the 0.3-prerelease 
> version of Julia that you had been using (where did that come from 
> anyway?). I think there was a git version check added in to the 
> initialization of Pkg since the previous version you had been using.
> On Monday, June 15, 2015 at 10:20:03 AM UTC-7, Kostas Tavlaridis-Gyparakis 
> wrote:
>> I downloaded and extracted the version that you put in the link, but for 
>> some reason now, when I run
>> Julia on terminal the pck command doesn't seem to work.
>> This is the msg I get when I try to use any command related with pkd:
>> Pkg.status()
>> ERROR: could not spawn `git version`: no such file or directory (ENOENT)
>>  in _jl_spawn at process.jl:217
>>  in spawn at process.jl:348
>>  in open at ./process.jl:397
>>  in readbytes at ./process.jl:461
>>  in version at ./pkg/git.jl:34
>>  in init at ./pkg/dir.jl:32
>>  in cd at pkg/dir.jl:25
>>  in status at pkg.jl:28 (repeats 2 times)
>> On Sunday, June 14, 2015 at 10:57:13 PM UTC+2, Tony Kelman wrote:
>>> Check the list of required built tools here 
>>>  if 
>>> you want to build from source. Note that unless you're contributing to 
>>> Julia development, you should build from the release-0.3 stable branch.
>>> You shouldn't have to build from source though, have you tried the 
>>> generic Linux binaries from ? Download 
>>> and extract 
>>> and it should work right away.
>>> On Sunday, June 14, 2015 at 7:16:46 AM UTC-7, Kostas 
>>> Tavlaridis-Gyparakis wrote:
>>>> Ok fixed that one, but now I have another installation problem,
>>>> I receive the following error:
>>>> /bin/sh: 2: cmake: not found
>>>> make[1]: *** [libgit2/build/Makefile] Error 127
>>>> make: *** [julia-deps] Error 2
>>>> Once I do finally manage to sucessfully install julia I will come back 
>>>> to you!
>>>> On Sunday, June 14, 2015 at 4:03:35 PM UTC+2, Kostas 
>>>> Tavlaridis-Gyparakis wrote:
>>>>> Ok, so after deleting all the julia files from my laptop
>>>>> and downloading the latest version from github ( 
>>>>> git clone git://
>>>>> ), when I try to run make in the terminal after a huge run of 50 
>>>>> minutes
>>>>> in the end the following msg is desplayed in my terminal:
>>>>> checking for suitable m4... configure: error: No usable m4 in $PATH or 
>>>>> /usr/5bin (see config.log for reasons).
>>>>> make[1]: *** [gmp-6.0.0/config.status] Error 1
>>>>> make: *** [julia-deps] Error 2
>>>>> On Sunday, June 14, 2015 at 2:57:29 PM UTC+2, Miles Lubin wrote:
>>>>>> You're using a prerelease version of 0.3 from nearly a year ago. Not 
>>>>>> sure how this came to be installed, but you'll need to update to 0.3.0 
>>>>>> release or later.
>>>>>> On Jun 14, 2015 2:38 PM, "Kostas Tavlaridis-Gyparakis" <
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> The output of versioninfo() is the following:
>>>>>>> Julia Version 0.3.0-rc1+54
>>>>>>> Commit 4e92487 (2014-07-17 05:40 UTC)
>>>>>>> Platform Info:
>>>>>>>   System: Linux (x86_64-linux-gnu)
>>>>>>>   CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4300U CPU @ 1.90GHz
>>>>>>>   WORD_SIZE: 64
>>>>>>>   BLAS:
>>>>>>>   LAPACK:
>>>>>>>   LIBM: libopenlibm
>>>>>>> I already deleted the Docile package from the julia directory and 
>>>>>>> reinstalled it,
>>>>>>> but again with no luck and also again the old version of 0.1 was 
>>>>>>> installed.
>>>>>>> On Sunday, June 14, 2015 at 2:34:30 PM UTC+2, Miles Lubin wrote:
>>>>>>>> What is the output of versioninfo() (at the Julia command line)?
>>>>>>>> Also, try deleting your ~/.julia directory and reinstalling the 
>>>>>>>> packages you need.
>>>>>>>> On Saturday, June 13, 2015 at 3:11:16 PM UTC+2, Kostas 
>>>>>>>> Tavlaridis-Gyparakis wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Here is the outcome of Pkg.status():
>>>>>>>>> Pkg.status()
>>>>>>>>> 5 required packages:
>>>>>>>>>  - CPLEX                         0.0.9
>>>>>>>>>  - Docile                        0.1.0
>>>>>>>>>  - Images                        0.4.37
>>>>>>>>>  - Jewel                         1.0.4
>>>>>>>>>  - JuMP                          0.5.8
>>>>>>>>> 26 additional packages:
>>>>>>>>>  - AnsiColor                     0.0.2
>>>>>>>>>  - BinDeps                       0.3.9
>>>>>>>>>  - Calculus                      0.1.4
>>>>>>>>>  - Color                         0.4.5
>>>>>>>>>  - Compat                        0.4.4
>>>>>>>>>  - Compose                       0.3.12
>>>>>>>>>  - DataStructures                0.3.9
>>>>>>>>>  - DualNumbers                   0.1.0
>>>>>>>>>  - FactCheck                     0.1.2
>>>>>>>>>  - FixedPointNumbers             0.0.7
>>>>>>>>>  - Graphics                      0.1.0
>>>>>>>>>  - Graphs                        0.4.3
>>>>>>>>>  - Iterators                     0.1.7
>>>>>>>>>  - JSON                          0.4.0
>>>>>>>>>  - JuliaParser                   0.6.2
>>>>>>>>>  - LNR                           0.0.1
>>>>>>>>>  - Lazy                          0.8.4
>>>>>>>>>  - Markdown                      0.3.0
>>>>>>>>>  - MathProgBase                  0.3.1
>>>>>>>>>  - Requires                      0.1.2
>>>>>>>>>  - ReverseDiffSparse             0.1.2
>>>>>>>>>  - SHA                           0.0.4
>>>>>>>>>  - SIUnits                       0.0.3
>>>>>>>>>  - TexExtensions                 0.0.2
>>>>>>>>>  - URIParser                     0.0.5
>>>>>>>>>  - Zlib                          0.1.8
>>>>>>>>> On Saturday, June 13, 2015 at 2:50:56 PM UTC+2, Tim Holy wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Check to see what Pkg.status() says. You may have another package 
>>>>>>>>>> that is 
>>>>>>>>>> pinning Docile at 0.1? 
>>>>>>>>>> --Tim 
>>>>>>>>>> On Saturday, June 13, 2015 04:45:12 AM Kostas 
>>>>>>>>>> Tavlaridis-Gyparakis wrote: 
>>>>>>>>>> > When i run update after I install Dolice there is nothing new: 
>>>>>>>>>> > 
>>>>>>>>>> > Pkg.update() 
>>>>>>>>>> > INFO: Updating METADATA... 
>>>>>>>>>> > INFO: Computing changes... 
>>>>>>>>>> > INFO: No packages to install, update or remove 
>>>>>>>>>> > 
>>>>>>>>>> > How can I update from terminal to julia 0.4 myself? 
>>>>>>>>>> > Also I am not quiet sure how to use clone command 
>>>>>>>>>> > to force julia Dolice to the latest version (sorry I am 
>>>>>>>>>> > a real noob). 
>>>>>>>>>> > 
>>>>>>>>>> > On Saturday, June 13, 2015 at 1:25:05 PM UTC+2, Svaksha wrote: 
>>>>>>>>>> > > On Sat, Jun 13, 2015 at 10:03 AM, Kostas Tavlaridis-Gyparakis 
>>>>>>>>>> > > 
>>>>>>>>>> > > < <javascript:>> wrote: 
>>>>>>>>>> > > > Followed your recommendation but have to note the following 
>>>>>>>>>> things: 
>>>>>>>>>> > > > 
>>>>>>>>>> > > > 1) I have Julia v0.3 even if I just downloaded Julia this 
>>>>>>>>>> week 
>>>>>>>>>> > > > 2) after deleting Dolice and running update command again 
>>>>>>>>>> the version 
>>>>>>>>>> > > 
>>>>>>>>>> > > 0.1 
>>>>>>>>>> > > 
>>>>>>>>>> > > > was installed: 
>>>>>>>>>> > > Run update after installing Docile. I'm on 0.4 so I dont know 
>>>>>>>>>> what 
>>>>>>>>>> > > version of Docile the stable version installs, but try using 
>>>>>>>>>> > > `` to force a specific version of the package. 
>>>>>>>>>> Unregistered 
>>>>>>>>>> > > packages can be installed via the url, so you can try 
>>>>>>>>>> > > Pkg.clone("git://") 
>>>>>>>>>> > > SVAKSHA ॥  ॥ 

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