To answer your question about Gaston first, when I wrote that code nearly 3
years ago, there was no infrastructure in julia to create pipes to external
processes. That's why I went with popen from the C standard library. I will
update that code, but I want to read from both Gnuplot's STDOUT and STDERR
while writing to STDIN, which is not supported by Julia at the moment. I'm
trying to come up with a solution to that.

Are you sure that your process `od` is printing to STDOUT and not STDERR?

The crashes you're seeing look like worth opening an issue for, especially
if they're easy to reproduce.

-- mb

On Sat, Jun 27, 2015 at 11:49 AM, Laurent Bartholdi <> wrote:

> Dear Miguel:
> Indeed, data is not made available to the pipe; though it should be there,
> because od prints lines as soon as they're available. I tried "readall",
> but it also blocks. I should have added that I tested this with the latest,
> 0.4 release from github.
> I also tried just reading one character, with "read(so,UInt8)", and this
> also blocks.
> I notice that you are the author of the gnuplot package "Gaston"; so you
> are certainly familiar with the issue. Looking at Gaston's code, I see that
> you directly called :popen from the C library. Is there a reason not to use
> the higher-level interface of Julia?
> I got more crashes by feeding large amounts of data to a pipe:
> julia> (so,si,pr) = readandwrite(`od`);
> julia> write(si,repeat("test\n",100000));
> ^CERROR: InterruptException:Assertion failed: (req->handle == stream),
> function uv__write, file src/unix/stream.c, line 741.
> signal (6): Abort trap: 6
> __pthread_kill at /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib (unknown line)
> Abort trap: 6
> bash$
> Thanks in advance! Laurent

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