i've worried about something similar, but on a different scale - some kind 
of pipeline for processing (image) data, where you have a series of 
commands that produce intermediate images and you might go back over the 
commands and edit some parameter, then request that necessary work is 

i don't have any answers, but would be interested in anything you find.


On Tuesday, 30 June 2015 01:42:40 UTC-3, Kevin Owens wrote:
> My question is basically: what is the best way to say "here's what I've 
> got, solve it as much as you can so it will be fast when I get the rest"?
> The kind of problem I'm trying to solve is "we have this fancy model ... 
> hey, wouldn't it be cool to look at how it changes if we vary X?" "I'd love 
> to try that, but it takes a day to run each time."
> Say there's a piece of code that has many inputs and takes a long time to 
> run. Some inputs may be known ahead of time and others only on an ad-hoc 
> basis. Or, given a set of inputs, you may want to vary other arbitrary 
> inputs, but you don't know what values to test yet. Sometimes you have all 
> of the inputs and can run all of the code at once, and sometimes you want 
> to pre-compile/lazy/cache to finish later. Maybe saving the object in HDF5.
> The documentation show how to use expression interpolation but the 
> drawbacks are that you have to edit code for each combination of inputs 
> that are known, and the code won't run interactively once you've edited it. 
> You could invent a new syntax or do find/replace, but that can be risky.
> Here's an example of what I'd like to do:
> versioninfo()
> const n = 4
> ex1 = :(x .* exp(y .* z))
> y = rand(n)
> z = rand(n)
> data = [:y=>y,:z=>z]
> function plug_in!(expr,data)
>     for i in 1:length(expr.args)
>         if isa(expr.args[i],Expr)
>             expr2 = plug_in!(expr.args[i],data)
>             expr.args[i] = try eval(expr.args[i]) catch expr.args[i] end
>         elseif isa(expr.args[i],Symbol)
>             for k in keys(data)
>                 if expr.args[i] == k
>                     expr.args[i] = data[k]
>                 end
>             end
>         else
>             expr.args[i] = try eval(expr.args[i]) catch expr.args[i] end
>         end
>     end
>     return expr
> end
> plug_in!(ex1,data)
> x = rand(n)
> eval(ex1)
> It's not completely "arbitrary" in that there's a question of how to 
> organize the initial ex1 to be able to pre-process as much as possible, but 
> that's a separate issue. So, if y was unknown and x and z were known it 
> would be more optimal to re-factor ex1, but that could be another function 
> called within plug_in!. Also, I know there are needless assignments, and 
> there are probably other things that could be optimized in the function, 
> but I just wanted to give a working example.
> So, has someone smarter than me already figured this out? Is this already 
> in a package somewhere? Is there a much more elegant way to do it? 99% of 
> my motivation for asking this is to learn more about Julia.
> Thanks,
> Kevin

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