Hi All,

I am working on building/porting Julia on ppc64le architecture. I am using
Ubuntu 14.10 on top of ppc64le hardware
and I am able to build/compile Julia master branch on it. When I execute
julia binary, it goes into indefinite wait and
I am not able to view julia prompt .Any pointer on this strange behavior
would be great help.

Below is some background information which will help to understand/ resolve
a problem.

1. Machine details :

test@pts00433-vm1:~/Mahesh/julia/julia$ uname -a
Linux pts00433-vm1 3.16.0-30-generic #40-Ubuntu SMP Mon Jan 12 22:07:11 UTC
2015 ppc64le ppc64le ppc64le GNU/Linux

2. Content of Make.user file

test@pts00433-vm1:~/Mahesh/julia/julia$ cat Make.user
include /home/test/Mahesh/julia/julia/Make.powerpc

# __PPC64__ defined but __ppc64__ is not!
CFLAGS += -D__ppc64__
CXXFLAGS += -D__ppc64__
LDFLAGS = -llzma

3. Content of Make.powerpc file

test@pts00433-vm1:~/Mahesh/julia/julia$ cat Make.powerpc
# This Make.ppc script should help you get started building Julia on a
PowerPC machine
# $ echo "include $(JULIAHOME)/Make.powerpc" >> Make.user

# most of our dependencies these contain m4 scripts that are too old
(specifically libtool.m4) to know about ppc64le
# so for now, we must use the system ones

# openblas doesn't know about ld version 2 assembly PROLOGUE syntax

# it's not optimized, and we trust the system libm

# this one doesn't seem to be able to compile for assembly code

# this one takes awhile to build, but it's generally worthwhile -- your
ifeq ($(USE_SYSTEM_LLVM),1)

# On a newly allocated machine, you'll need the following dependencies:
# build essentials:
# $ sudo apt-get install git g++ gfortran make cmake libedit-dev zlib1g-dev
# system lib replacements:
# $ sudo apt-get install libfftw3-dev libunwind8-dev libllvm3.5 libblas3
libarpack2-dev libedit-dev libpcre3-dev libgmp-dev libmpfr-dev
# autogen essentials:
# $ sudo apt-get install libtool autoconf

4. While compiling below code snippet I was getting segmentation fault. For
resolving segmentation fault I made changes
in ‘options.h’ file, I turn on ‘MEMDEBUG’ flag in ‘options.h’ file.

julia/usr/bin/julia -C native --output-o
/home/test/Mahesh/julia/julia/usr/lib/julia/inference0.o -f coreimg.jl

diff of  ‘options.h’ file,

test@pts00433-vm1:~/Mahesh/julia/julia$ git diff src/options.h
diff --git a/src/options.h b/src/options.h
index 23540ae..e2318cb 100644
--- a/src/options.h
+++ b/src/options.h
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
 // with MEMDEBUG, every object is allocated explicitly with malloc, and
 // filled with 0xbb before being freed. this helps tools like valgrind
 // catch invalid accesses.
-// #define MEMDEBUG
+#define MEMDEBUG

 // GC_VERIFY force a full verification gc along with every quick gc to
ensure no
 // reachable memory is freed

5. I attached gdb to Julia and try to find out the reason why I am not
getting Julia command prompt.
Below is stacktrace of gdb.

test@pts00433-vm1:~/Mahesh/julia/julia$ gdb ./julia
(gdb) r
Starting program: /home/test/Mahesh/julia/julia/julia
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Using host libthread_db library
   _       _ _(_)_     |  A fresh approach to technical computing
  (_)     | (_) (_)    |  Documentation: http://docs.julialang.org
   _ _   _| |_  __ _   |  Type "help()" for help.
  | | | | | | |/ _` |  |
  | | |_| | | | (_| |  |  Version 0.4.0-dev+5769 (2015-07-03 04:36 UTC)
 _/ |\__'_|_|_|\__'_|  |  Commit 2c1ac18* (0 days old master)
|__/                   |  powerpc64le-linux-gnu

Program received signal SIGINT, Interrupt.
0x00003fffb6a138fc in __pause_nocancel () at
81      ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S: No such file or directory.
(gdb) bt
#0  0x00003fffb6a138fc in __pause_nocancel () at
#1  0x00003fffb4f5fb10 in julia_wait_18019 () at task.jl:302
#2  0x00003fffb4f69bc4 in julia_wait_18197 (c=<optimized out>) at
#3  0x00003fffb6c00330 in jl_apply (nargs=1, args=0x3fffffffef38,
f=0x12c5e370) at julia.h:1260
#4  jl_trampoline (F=0x12c5e370, args=0x3fffffffef38, nargs=<optimized
out>) at builtins.c:975
#5  0x00003fffb6bf1b00 in jl_apply (nargs=1, args=0x3fffffffef38,
f=<optimized out>) at julia.h:1260
#6  jl_apply_generic (F=0x12c59b00, args=0x3fffffffef38, nargs=<optimized
out>) at gf.c:1632
#7  0x00003fffb2c60088 in julia_anonymous_24015 ()
#8  0x00003fffb6c00330 in jl_apply (nargs=0, args=0x0, f=0x12a77d30) at
#9  jl_trampoline (F=0x12a77d30, args=0x0, nargs=<optimized out>) at
#10 0x00003fffb6b04640 in jl_apply (nargs=0, args=0x0, f=<optimized out>)
at julia.h:1260
#11 start_task () at task.c:232
#12 0x00003fffb6c66f10 in set_base_ctx (__stk=<optimized out>) at task.c:241
#13 0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()

*** Please observe above frame 2 and 3 and which will clearly shows that
./julia binary is in infinite wait.

Here is code snippet of task.jl file,

test@pts00433-vm1:~/Mahesh/julia/julia$ cat -n ./base/task.jl | head -n 234
| tail -18
   218  function wait(c::Condition)
   219      ct = current_task()
   221      ct.state = :waiting
   222      push!(c.waitq, ct)
   224      try
   225          return wait()
   226      catch
   227          filter!(x->x!==ct, c.waitq)
   228          if ct.state == :waiting
   229              ct.state = :runnable
   230          end
   231          rethrow()
   232      end
   233  end

test@pts00433-vm1:~/Mahesh/julia/julia$ cat -n ./base/task.jl | head -n 317
| tail -24
   295  function wait()
   296      while true
   297          if isempty(Workqueue)
   298              c = process_events(true)
   299              if c==0 && eventloop()!=C_NULL && isempty(Workqueue)
   300                  # if there are no active handles and no runnable
tasks, just
   301                  # wait for signals.
   302                  pause()
   303              end
   304          else
   305              t = shift!(Workqueue)
   306              arg = t.result
   307              t.result = nothing
   308              t.state = :runnable
   309              result = yieldto(t, arg)
   310              process_events(false)
   311              # return when we come out of the queue
   312              return result
   313          end
   314      end
   315      assert(false)
   316  end

Sorry for writing such a long mail but I want to give all the information
that I have so it will help to understand problem in better way
with some background information.

Thanks & Regards,

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