This is reasonably clean:

[y[i] for y in x, i in 1:3]

If performance matters you are probably better off with the other 

Den måndag 6 juli 2015 kl. 22:10:01 UTC+2 skrev Júlio Hoffimann:
> Hi,
> How to convert:
> 1000-element Array{Tuple{Integer,Integer,Integer},1}:
>  (10,2,1) 
>  (5,7,10) 
>  (5,7,4)  
>  (1,1,6)  
>  (2,3,6)  
>  (8,6,4)  
>  (10,2,4) 
>  (1,3,9)  
>  (9,3,7)  
>  (5,2,4)  
>  ⋮        
>  (1,6,8)  
>  (4,6,6)  
>  (3,9,5)  
>  (10,4,10)
>  (8,7,4)  
>  (4,8,9)  
>  (2,6,10) 
>  (3,6,5)  
>  (1,7,10) 
> into the corresponding 1000x3 matrix in a "clean fashion"?
> -Júlio

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