      I'm running Julia Version 0.4.0-dev+5852. I ran some old code 
yesterday that used the [a:b] syntax (where a and b are integers). Executing

array = [a:b]

gives the deprecation warning 

WARNING: [a] concatenation is deprecated; use collect(a) instead. 

Neither array = [3:5;], nor array = collect(3:5) produce any warnings and 
they seem to give the same output. The deprecation warning would seem to 
suggest that the collect(a:b) syntax is preferable to [a:b;]. I'm wondering 
why that's the case? On a related note, for vectors c and d, array = [c;d] 
doesn't give a deprecation warning suggesting the array = [c;d;] syntax, 
which I believe it did on older 0.4.0-dev builds. What is the significance 
of the trailing semicolon?

Thanks very much, Patrick

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