I remember seeing this same performance gap before.  I believe the problem 
is that OpenBLAS doesn't have the correct thread defaults. Here are other 
timings setting the threads directly:

*julia> **blas_set_num_threads(1)*

*julia> **@time eigfact(M);*

elapsed time: 1.827510669 seconds (79997048 bytes allocated, 1.88% gc time)

*julia> **blas_set_num_threads(2)*

*julia> **@time eigfact(M);*

elapsed time: 1.549618631 seconds (79997048 bytes allocated)

*julia> **blas_set_num_threads(3);@time eigfact(M);*

elapsed time: 1.498852226 seconds (79997048 bytes allocated, 2.63% gc time)

*julia> **blas_set_num_threads(4);@time eigfact(M);*

elapsed time: 2.062847561 seconds (79997048 bytes allocated)

On Monday, July 13, 2015 at 4:33:56 AM UTC+10, Evgeni Bezus wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am a Julia novice and I am considering it as a potential alternative to 
> My field is computational nanophotonics and the main numerical technique 
> that I use involves multiple solution of the eigenvalue/eigenvector problem 
> for dense matrices with size of about 1000*1000 (more or less).
> I tried to run the following nearly equivalent code in Julia and in MATLAB:
> Julia code:
> n = 1000
> M = rand(n, n)
> F = eigfact(M)
> tic()
> for i = 1:10
>     F = eigfact(M)
> end
> toc()
> MATLAB code:
> n = 1000;
> M = rand(n, n);
> [D, V] = eig(M);
> tic;
> for i = 1:10
>     [D, V] = eig(M);
> end
> toc
> It turns out that MATLAB's eig() runs nearly 2.3 times faster than eig() 
> or eigfact() in Julia. On the machine available to me right now (relatively 
> old Core i5 laptop) the average time for MATLAB is of about 37 seconds, 
> while the mean Julia time is of about 85 seconds. I use MATLAB R2010b and 
> Julia 0.3.7 (i tried to run the code both in Juno and in a REPL session and 
> obtained nearly identical results).
> Is there anything that I'm doing wrong?
> Best regards,
> Evgeni

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