On Thursday, July 16, 2015 at 12:19:25 PM UTC-4, milktrader wrote:
> Also, back to the OP question, is the correct solution to simply define 
>  Base.hash(f::Foo) = f.x

No, I'd define Base.hash(f::Foo) = hash(f.x, 0x64c74221932dea5b), where I 
chose the constant by rand(UInt).  This way it won't collide with other 
types.  I really need to spend a bit more time with my interfaces chapter 
and add this info there.

On Thursday, July 16, 2015 at 12:07:50 PM UTC-4, Seth wrote:

> If I'm reading between the lines correctly, the default/existing hash 
> function is based on the last byte of the ID? Is there a reason we don't 
> make the table wider to reduce the chances of collisions (or would this 
> have bad effects on memory utilization)?

It's not really a hash collision, but rather a hashtable index collision. 
 A new dict only has 16 slots for its keys, and the index for an element is 
simply chosen by the last 8 bits of its hash.  If those last 8 bits match 
the hash of an object already in the table, there's a collision, and the 
Dict checks to see if the existing element `isequal` to the new one (and 
doesn't look at the hash again).  So the hashes are different, but isequal 
says the objects are the same.  This is why things are wonky.

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