Just to be sure that I am understanding correctly what your proposal.
You suggest I should:

1) Completely uninstall Julia
2) Recompile the source code (i.e. run make)
3) Then try using julia from the source code build cxx package
4) Then perform the make install and link the version of julia of the 
decaxemical folder with my system
And hopefully this will work?
I am just asking to be sure before I proceed with any attempt, as the make 
command is really time con-
suming, so want first to be sure that I am doing what you are actually 
suggesting (:

On Friday, July 17, 2015 at 6:24:21 PM UTC+2, Jeff Waller wrote:
> Yea I think what you're seeing is that Cxx needs to use the source tree
> for example Make.inc only exists in the source tree while embedding 
> assumes the installed tree.
> How to reconcile this the best way I'm not sure yet.  I myself found Cxx
> interesting enough to try, but the build failed a couple of times and I
> haven't had a chance to pick it back up.  But here's what I assume 
> could be done.
> Don't attempt to do them at the same time but first Cxx (using source)
> and then embed second (using install).
> Build Cxx following the Cxx instructions.
> Then install (this is the tricky part and only something I can guess at
> right now).  You might find that a number of things necessary for Cxx
> to function are not installed by default, or it will all go smoothly.  I 
> think
> though that Cxx is going to need clang in some way and that is definitely
> NOT installed by default.  I'm not sure how much Julia must/can provide
> and how much the Cxx package can/must provide.
> Then build embed against installed stuff.
> Report errors, they may require multiple iterations.

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