Working without any issues. Check the output bellow.

This is the first time I am trying out julia language. My main objective is
to gain speed in reading and manipulating large netcdf files. I think
netcdf capabilities and the speed of julia can attract a significant number
of users from earth science community.

Thanks for the support.

julia> NetCDF.ncinfo("./")

##### NetCDF File #####


##### Dimensions #####

           Name   Length
       latitude      256
           time     7106
      longitude      256

##### Variables #####

                Name                Type          Dimensions
            latitude               FLOAT          latitude,
                time               INT64          time,
           longitude               FLOAT          longitude,
       precipitation               FLOAT          longitude, latitude,

##### Attributes #####

            Variable                 Name                Value
            latitude                units
                time                units    seconds since 1970-01-01
00:00:00 UTC
           longitude                units
units                                    mm/hr
       precipitation           _FillValue

Bhupendra Raut

On Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 6:03 PM, Fabian Gans <> wrote:

> Ok, I pushed another change, could you try to checkout("NetCDF") again and
> see if ncinfo works?
> Fabian

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