Hello all! The latest bugfix release of the 0.3.x Julia line has been 
released. Binaries are available from the usual place 
<http://julialang.org/downloads/>, and as is typical with such things, 
please report all issues to either the issue tracker 
<https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues>, or email the julia-users list.

This is a bugfix release - the biggest fix is issue #7942, which had been 
causing intermittent freezes on startup on 64-bit Windows. Many thanks to 
Yichao Yu for tracking down and fixing that long-standing bug. To see all 
other bugs fixed since 0.3.10, see this commit log 

This is a recommended upgrade for anyone using any of the previous 0.3.x 
releases, and should act as a drop-in replacement for any of the 0.3.x 
line. We would like to get feedback if someone has a working program that 
breaks after this upgrade.


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