I'm going to start work on an unum prototype today, but first... a quick 
poll:  what package name is preferred?  Unum.jl? Unums.jl? Something else? 
 I expect there to be an "Unum" type, so following other conventions I 
think maybe Unums.jl is proper.

Also... please get in touch with me if you have interest in 
collaborating/contributing, or if you have specific test cases you'd like 
me to try out.

On Monday, July 27, 2015 at 3:56:13 PM UTC-4, Scott Jones wrote:
> I ended up buying the book, haven't got too far into it yet, definitely am 
> going to work these ideas into my storage format.
> I've actually been using a form of "universal numbers" for decades, where 
> unlike C, etc. numbers were not typed with certain sizes, actually, numbers 
> originally
> weren't even a type - semantically, everything was a string, and the 
> operations you performed determined whether you got a "numeric" 
> interpretation of the string.
> (typed numbers were added much later, to support IEEE binary floating 
> point, instead of just decimal floating point).
> On Sunday, July 26, 2015 at 5:06:56 PM UTC-4, Job van der Zwan wrote:
>> Here's a Python port (found in the HN comments), might be worth checking 
>> out:
>> https://github.com/jrmuizel/pyunum
>> On Sunday, 26 July 2015 16:50:52 UTC+3, Scott Jones wrote:
>>> If you add support for this to Julia, I want to make sure I can add the 
>>> format to my own record storage format efficiently.
>>> (This sounds great!)
>>> On Sunday, July 26, 2015 at 9:09:19 AM UTC-4, Tom Breloff wrote:
>>>> Unums as a general concept seem really interesting. I ordered the book, 
>>>> and may start a julia implementation (unless someone else gets there 
>>>> first). Unified integer and floating point with clear accuracy information 
>>>> could provide nice solutions for certain problems in finance and 
>>>> statistics. For example, I have a specialized solution to represent 
>>>> financial prices which have a fixed accuracy, but I want to be able to do 
>>>> floating point arithmetic on them. This requires lots of converting 
>>>> between 
>>>> int and float, rounding, etc. Unums may completely change those 
>>>> operations. 
>>>> If anyone starts an implementation, please post the package link here 
>>>> so we don't duplicate efforts. 
>>>> On Sunday, July 26, 2015, Scott Jones <scott.pa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> On Sunday, July 26, 2015 at 7:51:51 AM UTC-4, Job van der Zwan wrote:
>>>>>> So on an impulse I got the ebook, and even for a physics dropout like 
>>>>>> me it's surprisingly engaging and accessible! There's some stuff in 
>>>>>> there 
>>>>>> that isn't mentioned in the online slides that might clarify the idea 
>>>>>> better.
>>>>>> For example, floats already have a way to represent the largest 
>>>>>> representable number (maxreal) and positive infinity. Add a ubit gives 
>>>>>> you 
>>>>>> the following:
>>>>>>    -  maxreal without ubit: largest rep. number
>>>>>>    -  maxreal with ubit: interval between maxreal and infinity
>>>>>>    -  infinity without ubit: infinity
>>>>>>    -  infinity with ubit: the interval between... infinity and 
>>>>>>    beyond?
>>>>>> So what that gives you is a way to represent a number that is bigger 
>>>>>> than what you can represent, but not infinite (maxreal + ubit), and NaN 
>>>>>> (infinity + ubit). For negative numbers, just add sign bit.
>>>>>> On Sunday, 26 July 2015 13:59:33 UTC+3, Scott Jones wrote:
>>>>>>> Yes, but I could add the information about "inexact" vs. "exact" and 
>>>>>>> keeping track of significant figures to my format as well, while still 
>>>>>>> storing many common values in just 1 byte (including Null, "", and 
>>>>>>> markers 
>>>>>>> for binary and packed Unicode text).
>>>>>> Well, at the very least it seems to inspire some ways you might 
>>>>>> improve your format! :)
>>>>> Yes, and I am interested in hearing about hardware support for the 
>>>>> UNUM format.
>>>>> I'm also curious about how these ideas interact with decimal floating 
>>>>> point (which is what I'm more familiar with, because for the sorts of 
>>>>> operations important for the use cases I was concerned with, not having 
>>>>> rounding/conversion issues between decimal <-> binary floating point or 
>>>>> string <-> binary floating point was critical).

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