On Wed, Aug 5, 2015 at 7:09 PM, Pat Maneely <plmane...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm reviewing some code and am VERY new to Julia.
> The following pseudo code was provided to me in Julia and it doesn't appear
> to follow the function syntax that I was expecting.
> function AddToDB{K<:Int,V}(a::Associative{K,V}, v::V)
>    k = rand(1:typemax(K))
>    while haskey(a, k)
>       k = rand(1:typemax(K))
>   end
>   merge!(a,{k=>v})
> end

It appears to me as valid syntax (with deprecated ones for 0.4). Which
part deviates from your expectation?

> Is this a typo?  If not can you please explain what is being done here.
> Thanks in advance,
> Pat

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