I want to use sparse matrices in which the nonzeros are fixed-sized dense 
matrices.  The matrix is of size m*p by n*q with nz nonzero blocks, each of 
size p by q.  Generally p and q are very small but m, n and nz can be large.
In a CSC representation of such a matrix, A, the  A.colptr and A.rowval 
arrays are of lengths n+1 and nz, respectively, and A.nzval is a 
3-dimensional array of size p by q by nz

Does this type of structure appear elsewhere?  I think I have seen 
descriptions in some sparse matrix packages of arrays like this where p and 
q might be stencil sizes.   I'm fine with creating the structure and its 
methods myself but I also don't want to reinvent the wheel.

Mostly I want to evaluate products of such matrices.

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