This is invariance striking.  There should probably a FAQ entry for this
as it is often discussed:!searchin/julia-users/invariance


On Tue, 2015-08-18 at 09:37, Kevin Kunzmann <> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> So, I recently revisited Julia and fooled around a bit with Julia Box. 
> Amazing - this looks like the language I never actually dared dreaming of 
> ;) Keep up the greedy work!
> That being said, my question might be dumb, but I am struggling with the 
> type system of Julia. I want to guarantee that the arguments to a function 
> are numerical arrays of dimension 1 - how would I best do that in Julia? 
> The problem is that
> Array{Number, 1}
> exists as a type, but when I get the type system right it should not have 
> any subtypes except union. Especially
> Array{Float64, 1} <: Array{Number, 1}
> evaluates to ' false'. I think I get why this is implemented the way it is, 
> however, would it not be most intuitive to have something like
> function f(x::Array{Number, 1})
>     x
> end
> What would be the 'Julian' way of doing this?

function f{T<:Number}(x::Array{T, 1})

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