Le mardi 18 août 2015 à 06:04 -0700, Michele Zaffalon a écrit :
> Are `collect(a:b)` and `collect(range(a, b))` supposed to give the 
> same results? Does the following make sense?
> julia> typeof(NaN:5)
> FloatRange{Float64}
> julia> collect(NaN:5)
> 0-element Array{Float64,1}
> julia> typeof(range(NaN, 5))
> FloatRange{Float64}
> julia> collect(range(NaN, 5))
> 5-element Array{Float64,1}:
>  NaN
>  NaN
>  NaN
>  NaN
>  NaN
> This is on 0.4.0, commit 6becc96 on Windows 7 64 bit.
> michele
The difference isn't in collect(), it's in the creation of the range.
range() expects a length as its second argument, while the colon syntax
takes the end value instead. So you're not creating the same range at

BTW, you can use dump() to see the fields of the created range, which
allows you to check what's actually created.


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