Probably the wrong place to post this, but I couldn't find a julia-diff 
list :)

I'm having stability issues computing the derivative of functions I only 
know on (non-uniform) grids. For example, I have a grid of x (I can't 
choose this) and the associated values of y = f(x). I've tried a few 
different things:

- using different kinds of finite difference schemes
- Fitting the data with many types of approximating functions 
(interpolating cubic B-splines, chebyshev polynomials, smoothing cubic 
splines, shape preserving quadratic hermite polynomial splines, ect.)

For one of the functions I have this (x, y) data for, I also happen to have 
data on the first derivative of y. All the methods I've tried do terribly 
at approximating this derivative. I'm looking for a more reliable 
alternative, even if it is expensive to compute. 

Do any of the differentiation experts here have any suggestions or good 
references I can look to for how I might achieve better stability in this 
situation? I'm happy to code up a new algorithm we haven't implemented yet 
if someone knows about one.


On Thursday, June 26, 2014 at 12:26:52 AM UTC-4, Miles Lubin wrote:
> This is still a work in progress, but ahead of JuliaCon I'd like to 
> announce JuliaDiff, a github organization and website (
> for packages related to computing derivatives. 
> This includes packages based on automatic differentiation. If you've never 
> heard of AD, check out the intro paragraph on the website. This is a field 
> where I believe the technical features of Julia really make it easier than 
> ever before to implement advanced techniques efficiently and (mostly) 
> transparently to the user, see, for example, the autodiff keyword in Optim 
> which enables computation of exact gradients of user-provided "black box" 
> functions. I'm looking forward to continued development, collaboration, and 
> contributions to JuliaDiff. Thanks to Theodore Papamarkou for the impetus 
> in creating this organization.
> Miles
> P.S. We're accepting logo submissions.

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