On August 26, 2015 at 21:30:47, Yichao Yu 
(yyc1...@gmail.com(mailto:yyc1...@gmail.com)) wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 26, 2015 at 12:44 PM, Sisyphuss wrote: 
> > Of course, I know how to write the valid code. 
> > 
> > But in the interactive environment, if someone accidentally defines the 
> > promote_rule in the non-base way, he will find himself in an 
> > incomprehensible situation. 
> There's too many things you can accidentally do to break normal 
> functions in current scope and I don't think this one is particularly 
> bad. 
> ``` 
> julia> + = 1 
> 1 
> julia> 1 + 2 
> ERROR: MethodError: `call` has no method matching call(::Int64, 
> ::Int64, ::Int64) 
> Closest candidates are: 
> Union(::Any...) 
> BoundsError(::Any...) 
> TypeVar(::Any...) 
> ... 
> ``` 

Agreed, but if you reference the function being overwritten before assigning a 
new definition, at least you get a warning:

julia> typeof(esc(+))

julia> + = 1
WARNING: imported binding for + overwritten in module Main

and in the original case:

julia> abstract B

julia> type A <: B end

julia> type C <: B end

julia> promote_rule
promote_rule (generic function with 124 methods)

julia> promote_rule(::Type{A}, ::Type{C}) = C
ERROR: error in method definition: function Base.promote_rule must be 
explicitly imported to be extended

It would be nice if a user could get those warnings without having to reference 
the function first.

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