Since functions are first class objects, my answer would be "neither, just
use a function":
methoda = x -> one(typeof(x)) + x
methodb = identity

On Sat, Aug 29, 2015 at 11:17 AM Diego Javier Zea <>

> Hi!
> I'm confused with this...
> When do I need to use Symbol instead of ASCIIString on function arguments?
> Which of the following is the best and Julian definition?
> julia> myfunstr{T}(x::T; method::ASCIIString="one") = method=="one" ? one(
> T)+x : x
> myfunstr (generic function with 1 method)
> julia> myfunsym{T}(x::T; method::Symbol=:one) = method==:one ? one(T)+x :
> x
> myfunsym (generic function with 1 method)
> julia> myfunstr(10)
> 11
> julia> myfunsym(10)
> 11
> Thanks in advance,
> Best

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