Another one would be to call local t, data just before the try block, 
though I like Matt’s better.

On Thursday, September 3, 2015 at 5:21:31 PM UTC-4, Spencer Russell wrote:

Ah yes. That works. Good idea, thanks for the tip.
> -s
> On Thu, Sep 3, 2015, at 05:12 PM, Mike Innes wrote:
> Would `t, data = try take!(outbox) catch ...` work?
> On Thu, 3 Sep 2015 at 22:08 Spencer Russell < 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
> I often find myself wanting to do an assignment inside a try...catch 
> block, as in the following real-world code I'm working on to read from a 
> Channel until it's closed
> global outbox = Channel()
> @async while true
>     try
>         t, data = take!(outbox)
>     catch e
>         # InvalidStateException is thrown when the channel is closed
>         isa(e, InvalidStateException) || rethrow(e)
>         break
>     end
>     println(sock, json(c(t, data)))
> end
> But the problem is that try...catch blocks introduce their own scope, so t 
> and data don't exist after the exception handling. One thing I've done 
> before is introducing the variables before the try block, (t = nothing; 
> data = nothing) block before the try...catch, but that kills the type 
> stability of the variables and doesn't feel right.
> Is there a more Julian idiom for this sort of thing?
> Thanks,
> -s

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