Aha, I think that's the closest thing to what I was looking for. that 
allows me initialize the different components in any order, which is what I 
was looking for. Thanks :)

On Friday, September 4, 2015 at 7:20:40 PM UTC+2, Sisyphuss wrote:
> You mindset is quite Java.
> If you want to reverse the order, you can do 
> ```
> type Point
>     x::Float64
>     y::Float64
>     Point(x,y) = new(y,x)
> end
> Point(1.0, 3.0)
> ```
> By doing this, you overwrite the inner default constructor.
> If you want more flexible object, you may want to define outer 
> constructors.
> By the way, you can always give an arbitrary initial value to Point, and 
> then do what you like. I think this is the most economical way for you.
> On Friday, September 4, 2015 at 6:49:47 PM UTC+2, Ferran Mazzanti wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I was wonder if it is possible to do in Julia what I can do in other 
>> languages, such as define a user type, as for instance
>> type Point
>>   x::Float64
>>   y::Float64
>> end
>> and then define a new varible of that type, but do not initialize it, as 
>> in
>> z::Point
>> which obviously doesn't work (unless in the local scope of a function, 
>> with z being passed as an argument to the function).
>> I ask because I am used to use pointers (in other languages), declare the 
>> pointer, allocate room for the object, and  then
>> use an instance of the object and initialize the different components in 
>> the order I like. I mean to say something of the form, inventing my
>> own instructions :)
>> ype Point
>>   x::Float64
>>   y::Float64
>> end
>> z::Point
>> allocate(z)
>> z.y = 2.0
>> z.x = 3.1
>> In Julia the only way I know to initialize the object is to pass values 
>> to it in exactly the same order the different fields appear in the
>> type deffinition. Look as I have changed this order in my invented piexe 
>> of code...
>> Any hint appreciated.
>> Thanks.

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