Do you ever modify an individual? If not, why not just write

world[p].ind = newpop

Also, did you profile to make sure that deepcopy is the bottleneck? If your 
structures are that simple, it's surprising to me that deepcopy is taking a 
long time.


On Monday, September 7, 2015 at 1:08:50 PM UTC-4, 
> Hello everybody,
> I'm comparably new to Julia, but not completely new to programming. Yet, 
> I'm a biologist by training, so please excuse potentially dumb questions in 
> advance :)
> I am working in evolutionary ecology, programming individual-based 
> simulations. I have now transferred a (very) simple program that simulates 
> insect populations into Julia and am so far happy with its performance and 
> style (I really fell in love with Julia). Yet, I do have a performance 
> problem when it comes to copying a complex object. First of all my basic 
> type structure:
> type TInd # an individual
>   ld::Float64
>   disp::Bool
> end
> type TPop # a single population
>     ind::Array{TInd,1}
> end
> world = TPop[] # just to mention, this is NOT a global variable, but in 
> my main simulation function to create multiple populations
> You see that I have a set (world) of populations (TPop), each being 
> defined as arrays of individuals. During reproduction, I create a second 
> Array of individuals, that stores the (mutating) offspring. So far so good. 
> Yet, since I assume discrete generations, after each individual in a 
> population has reproduced, the parental population is to be replaced by the 
> offspring. I have implemented that like this:
> newpop = TInd[]
> # ... then the new population gets filled with offspring ...
> world[p].ind = deepcopy(newpop)
> Of course, this solution is working, but it is really slow. And since I do 
> actually not need a copy of the newpop, but just want it to overwrite the 
> original population, I guessed there might probably be a faster and more 
> elegant solution (without complex workarounds, just somehow adjusting the 
> pointers!?)? From what I've seen the model will probably run faster than in 
> C++ as soon as I find the answer :)))
> I appreciate any help, thanks a lot in advance!
> All the best,
> Alex

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