Firstly, instead of using ```symbol("is_continuous")``` you can use the 
colon notation ```:is_continuous```. Secondly, you can do element wise 
comparison by using ```.==``` operator. This will return a BitArray. You 
can then find where the BitArray is true by using the ```find``` function 
which returns an array of indices.

So for your case all you would need to do is
index = find(fn .== :is_continuous)

On Wednesday, September 9, 2015 at 6:01:47 PM UTC-7, J Luis wrote:
> So I need to find position of a certain type member in a type. Easy, I 
> though
> julia> fn = fieldnames(GMT_PALETTE)
> 9-element Array{Symbol,1}:
>  :n_headers
>  :n_colors
>  :alloc_level
>  :auto_scale
>  :model
>  :is_gray
>  :is_bw
>  :is_continuous
>  :z_unit_to_meter
> julia> search(fn,"is_continuous")
> ERROR: MethodError: `search` has no method matching 
> search(::Array{Symbol,1}, ::ASCIIString)
> Closest candidates are:
>   search(::AbstractString, ::AbstractString)
>   search(::AbstractString, ::AbstractString, ::Integer)
> Went to the docs and found the "symbol" function and though, ok now it 
> will work 
> julia> search(fn,symbol("is_continuous"))
> ERROR: MethodError: `search` has no method matching 
> search(::Array{Symbol,1}, ::Symbol)
> Ok, I can do a loop over the number of elements and ask
>     fn[k] == symbol("is_continuous")
> but isn't there a more compact way of do this ? 
> (I confess this parts of Julia are annoying)
> Thanks

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