I looked at your code for a grand total of 20 seconds, but the one thing I
would check is whether using concrete types (Int) in your immutable, or
maybe making it parametric:

immutable AES_cipher_params{T<:Unsigned}
  bits::T # Cipher key length, bits
  nk::T # Number of 32-bit words, cipher key
  nb::T # Number of columns in State
  nr::T # Number of rounds
  block_size::T # byte length
  block_x::T # block dimensions X
  block_y::T # block dimensions Y

It's possible the compiler can't infer enough types because of this?  Just
a guess...

On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 10:38 PM, Corey Moncure <corey.monc...@gmail.com>

> The creator has descended from the shining heavens and responded to my
> post.  Cool.
> Here are some stats naively gathered from taking time() before and after
> the run and subtracting.  Second run is with gc_disable().  A 1.26x speedup
> is noted.
> elapsed (s): 0.0916
> Throughput, KB/s: 1705.97
> Average time (μs) per iteration: 0.0
> Estimated cycles / iteration @ 4.0 GHz: 36636.0
> elapsed (s): 0.0727
> Throughput, KB/s: 2149.6
> Average time (μs) per iteration: 7.2688
> Estimated cycles / iteration @ 4.0 GHz: 29075.0
> I'd like to know how to minimize the effect of the garbage collector and
> allocations.  The algorithm is a tight loop with a handful of tiny
> functions, none of which ought to require much allocation.  A few variables
> for placeholder data are inevitable.  But I have read the warnings
> discouraging the use of global state.  What is the Julia way to allocate a
> few bytes of scratch memory that can be accessed within the scope of, say,
> apply_ECB_mode!() without having to be reallocated each time gf_mult() or
> mix_columns! are called?
> Also, can a function be forced to mutate variables passed to it,
> eliminating a redundant assignment?  Julia seems happy to do this with
> Arrays but not unit primitives.  Pass by reference (pointer)?  Does the
> LLVM appreciate this?
> On Friday, September 11, 2015 at 6:15:52 PM UTC-4, Stefan Karpinski wrote:
>> There's nothing obviously glaring here. I would definitely recommend
>> using the built-in profiler to see where it's spending its time. There may
>> be subtle type instabilities or some other non-obvious issue. You
>> definitely ought to be able to get within striking distance of similar C
>> code, which should be in the expected 4-10x slower than hand-coded assembly.
>> On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 5:10 PM, Corey Moncure <corey....@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> https://github.com/cmoncure/crypto/blob/master/aes.jl
>>> In the process of learning Julia (and crypto) I implemented the Rijndael
>>> block cipher and inverse cipher.  I tried to write idiomatic yet concise
>>> code, but the performance is not very desirable.  On my machine (i5-2500k @
>>> 4.0 Ghz) the throughput is piddling, on the order of 10e6 bytes/sec, and
>>> memory allocation is at 3056 bytes / block, which I have not been able to
>>> cut down any further.
>>> Obviously I do not intend to compete with hand-tuned assembler routines
>>> that heavily exploit SIMD and pre-computed tables, but my completely
>>> unfounded gut feeling is that given the right input, Julia should be able
>>> to approach within a factor of 4-10 without such optimizations.  Currently
>>> this routine is within a factor of 1000.
>>> Any Julia experts out there willing to take a peek at the code and offer
>>> some tips for idiomatic (i.e. within the framework of Julia syntax and
>>> style) optimizations?
>>> In the course of doing this I have run into several gripes with Julia,
>>> particularly some of the built-in functions which are often confusing or
>>> contradictory by virtue of the type declarations of certain methods (or
>>> lack of needed ones).  For instance, Julia does not support negative
>>> indexing of arrays... so then why do so many functions on arrays take only
>>> signed integer types for dimensions?  To the noobie it seems like an
>>> obvious choice to type data holding the calculation of matrix dimensions or
>>> indices as unsigned integers, given that the language does not support
>>> negative indexing.  Yet this fails unexpectedly in many built-ins such as
>>> sub().

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