Many thanks!
I've understood that parametric type and number of dimension are
necessary, then I can write something like:
type MyArr{N} <: AbstractArray{String,N}
but, cause I want constructor receives the range of components for each
dimension like:
a = MyArr{3}(2,3,4)
I MUST ensure that parametric dimension be consistent with passed number
of indexes, highlighting (with an Error) that forms like:
a = MyArr{3}(2,3)
are illegal (see my attached example)
(maybe OT: I think that using Integer as Type Parameter is a bit
confusing for people like me that have developed by many year in other
languages with generics as Java, C++, C# because use of a
object-parameter opposed to conventional type-parameter is a bit odd;
see also!topic/julia-users/3NM7tZV5buQ
<> )
P.S. surprisingly chapters and are unavailable
into relative PDFs on
Il 11/09/2015 14:46, Matt Bauman ha scritto:
On Friday, September 11, 2015 at 3:11:48 AM UTC-4, Leonardo wrote:
I like to have a /unique/ type that contains only a specified type
and that can handle any dimension, but only during object
instancing (not during subsequent lifecycle of object, also if
both phases are at runtime), than parametrized dimension (the N in
AbstractArray{T,N}) is not useful for me.
You can have a constructor that deals with the parameter for you:
MyArr(number_of_dimensions::Int) = MyArr{Any, number_of_dimensions}()
I'm afraid I still don't understand why you want to do this, so my
answers probably aren't all that helpful.
But - if I understood your indications - there is no way to do
this without redefine a bunch of methods.
At least, can I find somewhere a minimal list of these methods?
That's correct. Omitting the dimensionality isn't a supported way to
subtype AbstractArray. I suppose you can still do it, but being
unsupported means that you're on your own to figure out what all needs
to be re-implemented. And unfortunately, I'm afraid that the list
isn't so minimal. It's a part of the AbstractArray definition that is
very heavily leveraged in the base code to improve performance and
specify behavior.
You can start to get a sense of how heavily these parameters are used
by looking at the methods defined for AbstractArray{T,1}
(AbstractVector) and AbstractArray{T,2} (AbstractMatrix):
julia> methodswith(AbstractVector)
151-element Array{Method,1}: …
julia> methodswith(AbstractMatrix)
164-element Array{Method,1}: …
Those don't even include methods defined for arbitrary dimensionality
but still require N to be defined, like
`ndims{T,N}(A::AbstractArray{T,N}) = N`.
using Base
type MyArr{N} <: AbstractArray{String,N}
function MyArr(dims::Int...)
if length(dims) != N
throw(ErrorException("Wrong number of dimensions
(different from Parametric dimension)"))
o = new() = Array{String}(dims...)
return o
function Base.size(A::MyArr)
return Base.size(
Base.linearindexing{T<:MyArr}(::Type{T}) = Base.LinearFast()
function Base.getindex(A::MyArr, I::Int...)
function Base.setindex!(A::MyArr, v::Any, I::Int...)[I...] = v