Since this is a top hit on google for this issue, I'm posting here just to 
add that you see this error if you add a println() to your finalize 
function, to check whether it is called :o)

One solution is to increment a global counter in the finalizer and print 
the counter before and after gc().


On Sunday, 8 February 2015 16:15:18 UTC-3, Rémi Berson wrote:
> Hi guys,
> While creating a tiny wrapper over the C/C++ primesieve 
> <> library, I encountered an 
> error while trying to finalize the Ptr returned by a function. This pointer 
> must be freed by another function from the library, so I tried to wrap it 
> into a finalizer function but it doesn't work because of the following 
> error: "task switch not allowed from inside gc finalizer". Could someone 
> explain how this could be done properly? I would try to avoid the returned 
> array if possible. Here is the code so far:
> const LIB_PRIMESIEVE = ""
> type C_primesieve_array
>     handle::Ptr{Int32}
> end
> function primes(n::Int)
>     size = Cint[0]
>     primes_ptr = ccall(
>         (:primesieve_generate_primes, LIB_PRIMESIEVE),
>         C_primesieve_array,
>         (UInt64, UInt64, Ptr{Cint}, Int),
>         1, n, size, 3)
>     function primesieve_array_finalizer(primesieve_arr::C_primesieve_array
> )
>         ccall(
>             (:primesieve_free, LIB_PRIMESIEVE),
>             Void, (Ptr{Int32},), primesieve_arr.handle)
>     end
>     finalizer(primes_ptr, primesieve_array_finalizer)
>     return pointer_to_array(primes_ptr.handle, size[1], false)
> end
> Thank you very much,
> Rémi

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