
I don't know whether this will make a difference, but your version of Julia 
is almost a year old. Current stable is up to 0.3.11 now with a 0.4 release 
just around the corner. Unless you can reproduce the problem in a more 
current version, it might be difficult to get help.

On Saturday, September 12, 2015 at 1:15:13 PM UTC-7, Paddy Healy wrote:
> Greetings,
> I'm new to julia and even newer to plotly.  I'm getting a libcurl error 
> when I call Plotly.plot():
> julia> response = Plotly.plot([trace1], ["filename" => "basic-line", 
> "fileopt" => "overwrite"])
> ERROR: error compiling post: error compiling put_post: error compiling 
> _put_post: error compiling setup_easy_handle: could not load module 
> libcurl: libcurl: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
>  in post at /home/healyp/.julia/v0.3/HTTPClient/src/HTTPC.jl:402
>  in plot at /home/healyp/.julia/v0.3/Plotly/src/Plotly.jl:52
> From searching around I have seen that this is reported as "fixed" earlier 
> but not for me.  My julia version is:
> julia> versioninfo()
> Julia Version 0.3.2
> Platform Info:
>   System: Linux (i586-linux-gnu)
>   CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU          6400  @ 2.13GHz
>   WORD_SIZE: 32
>   LAPACK: libopenblas
>   LIBM: libopenlibm
>   LLVM: libLLVM-3.5
> I'd be very grateful if anybody has any leads for fixing this.  Apologies 
> if this is not the appropriate forum for this type of issue.
> Beannachtaí,
> Patrick healy

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