[First Julia claims good support with Python by using PyCall). As Python 
3.5 was just released I wander if that still holds or needs fixing:


for concurrency (or otherwise). I know I could just check out.. but] in 
general I wander how appropriate Julia is now, instead of (or with 
best-in-class languages): Erlang etc.

I think Julia's focus is serial AND parallel coding (but concurrency to a 
lesser degree? I'm aware there are changes in 0.4).

I know concurrency is not the same as parallel, but needed for it or useful 
on its own.

I understand Erlang (or Elixir, "based on it"), maybe the best 
language/implementation for concurrency, what it's made for. Julia may not 
compare, just yet. Maybe something is needed but it has the right 
foundation? Or not (has mutable state..).

Some really like Go (for those who do not like a functional language), for 
stuff like this, and it has N:M threading. Is that a showstopper for Julia? 
Any benchmarks on how scalable Julia is vs. Go? Any idea how difficult it 
would be to add N:M threading?


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